Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Learning From Mistakes
Learning from Mistakes The constant learning that occurs in the everyday lives of humans can often be applied to many aspects in life. This proves true in Patricia Limerick’s essay, â€Å"Haunted America.†Inside Limerick’s essay she explains how we should learn a great deal from war, how we learn from others and our own mistakes. When thinking about her title, â€Å"Haunted America†, the first thing that comes to mind is war and people dying. As Limerick says, â€Å"We live on haunted land, on land that is layers deep in human passion and memory†(503). This quote says that the people who fought at war and died had great consequences that united our nation and we will remember that. Although Americans have often viewed our nation as being free from tradition and on the cutting edge of progress, the past nevertheless shadows our nation and its peoples. Although many wars have taken place with Americans, we some times seem to forget about those who we fought with to gain land. Like the Indians, we still today don’t really recognize them for who they are, we just seem to shove them to the side and forget about them. Today in time you never hear about the Indians accomplishments, it seems as if we just take their land over and never talk about them again. From knowing the real facts on war against the natives, it helps us learn not what to do next time. In Limerick’s essay she has a twelve point guide to war, that has many important issues at stake. In these patterns it teaches us what not to do next time, but they will always be there and remind us what did happen. For instance, like in any class, such as English we might not do something righ t the first time, but after a while we catch on and begin to do whats right, we learn from our own mistakes. As Limerick says, â€Å"a whole range of people who see each other as alien and who feel that they have no common ground, benefit from the tragic events of conquest†(... Free Essays on Learning From Mistakes Free Essays on Learning From Mistakes Learning from Mistakes The constant learning that occurs in the everyday lives of humans can often be applied to many aspects in life. This proves true in Patricia Limerick’s essay, â€Å"Haunted America.†Inside Limerick’s essay she explains how we should learn a great deal from war, how we learn from others and our own mistakes. When thinking about her title, â€Å"Haunted America†, the first thing that comes to mind is war and people dying. As Limerick says, â€Å"We live on haunted land, on land that is layers deep in human passion and memory†(503). This quote says that the people who fought at war and died had great consequences that united our nation and we will remember that. Although Americans have often viewed our nation as being free from tradition and on the cutting edge of progress, the past nevertheless shadows our nation and its peoples. Although many wars have taken place with Americans, we some times seem to forget about those who we fought with to gain land. Like the Indians, we still today don’t really recognize them for who they are, we just seem to shove them to the side and forget about them. Today in time you never hear about the Indians accomplishments, it seems as if we just take their land over and never talk about them again. From knowing the real facts on war against the natives, it helps us learn not what to do next time. In Limerick’s essay she has a twelve point guide to war, that has many important issues at stake. In these patterns it teaches us what not to do next time, but they will always be there and remind us what did happen. For instance, like in any class, such as English we might not do something righ t the first time, but after a while we catch on and begin to do whats right, we learn from our own mistakes. As Limerick says, â€Å"a whole range of people who see each other as alien and who feel that they have no common ground, benefit from the tragic events of conquest†(...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Planned Parenthood - Profile
Planned Parenthood - Profile About Planned Parenthood: The term planned parenthood originally applied to practices to control the number of children born to a family. Nurse Margaret Sanger promoted information about birth control methods as a way of dealing with the poverty of families where parents could not provide financially for their growing families and were ignorant of sexual and medical knowledge that could limit the number of their children. About Planned Parenthood Organizations: Today, Planned Parenthood refers to the organizations at local, state, federal and international levels. Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is the umbrella group at the national level in the United States, with umbrella affiliates, and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) which is based in London unites groups around the world. The focus of Planned Parenthood Federation today is providing reproductive health care, sex education, counseling and information; abortion services, while the most controversial of their programs, is only a small part of the services provided in more than 800 health centers throughout the United States. Origin of Planned Parenthood Federation of America: In 1916, Margaret Sanger founded the first birth control clinic in the United States. In 1921, realizing that the needs for information and services were greater than her clinic could provide, she founded the American Birth Control League, and in 1923, the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. Realizing that birth control was a means and not the goal family planning was the goal the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau was renamed Planned Parenthood Federation. Key Issues in Planned Parenthood History: Planned Parenthood has evolved to face different issues in womens reproductive services as the political and legal environment has changed. Margaret Sanger was jailed in her time for violation of the Comstock Law. Before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision on abortion, clinics were limited to providing contraceptives and information and even those services were limited depending on the states. The Hyde Amendment made it difficult for poor women to obtain abortion by excluding such services from federal health services, and Planned Parenthood looked for alternatives to help poor women the initial target audience of Sangers birth control work to get needed health services and to manage their family size. Reagan and Bush Years: During the Reagan years, increasing attacks on womens reproductive choices affected Planned Parenthood. The Gag Rule, preventing family planning professionals from giving medical information about abortion, made it more difficult to provide services to women internationally. The attacks both through violence by individuals, promoted by anti-abortion organizations, and through legislative limits on abortion and other reproductive services challenged clinics and the legislative and lobbying associated organizations. The Bush years (both presidents Bush) included pushes for abstinence-only sex education (despite evidence that such sex education does not significantly cut the rate of teenage or premarital pregnancy) and more limits on reproductive choice including abortion. President Clinton lifted the Gag Rule but President George W. Bush reinstated it. 2004 March on Washington: In 2004, Planned Parenthood played a key role in organizing a pro-choice march on Washington, the March for Womens Lives, held on April 25 of that year. More than one million gathered on the National Mall for that demonstration, with women being a large majority of those demonstrating. Associated Organizations: Planned Parenthood Federation is associated with: Alan Guttmacher Institute, focusing on research and developmentPlanned Parenthood Action Fund (PPAF), a separate organization focusing on legal action and lobbyingInternational Planned Parenthood Federation Planned Parenthood Direction: Planned Parenthood clinics continue to be challenged with threats and actual incidents of terror as well as by attempts to intimidate or physically block women from entering those clinics for any services. Planned Parenthood also works for comprehensive sex education, to help prevent pregnancy through information, opposing abstinence-only programs which do not effectively prevent pregnancy. Planned Parenthood advocates for availability of legal contraceptive drugs or devices, access to abortion services, and ending censorship requirements on medical professionals preventing them from giving medical information to their patients. Those who oppose the availability of abortion or contraceptive services continue to identify Planned Parenthood for defunding efforts, attempts to close clinics through zoning and through protests, and other means. Those who advocate violence as a means of opposing reproductive choice also continue to target Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood and Related Elsewhere on the Web Planned Parenthood HistoryPlanned Parenthood Action CenterJohn Salvi, Abortion Clinic Violence, and Catholic Right ConspiracismPlanned Parenthood Plays the Violence CardNARAL Pro-Choice AmericaReligious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The level of skills in contributing to the development of Human Dissertation
The level of skills in contributing to the development of Human Resource Management (HRM) practice in public sector in the Kingd - Dissertation Example Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest countries of Middle East earning mainly from the export of petroleum products (Ramady, 2010). Despite being rich in natural resources the country is facing a paradox of high wealth and a human resource base that is challenged in terms of skills. Saudi Arabia is facing significant shortage of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor (Ramady, 2010). Part of the reason is the influence of religious and cultural values resulting in an educational system that focuses less on a structured vocational or professional training who can meet the demands of the thriving economy (Oxford Business Group, 2008). Moreover, female population constitutes a minor portion of the total workforce due to which the country has to rely on the foreign/overseas employees to fill the demand & supply gap of the workforce (Oxford Business Group, 2008). According to a study by Al-Masnad in 1999, about sixty percent of the population of Saudi Arabia is under the age of eighteen. T he youth is living under social stereotypes due to which they refuse to accept technical and manual jobs and prefer working in managerial positions. As a result, the country is depending on expatriates and third country nationals especially in the fields of engineering and information technology. Apart from this, there is a weak connection between the Saudi educational system output and the requirement of the industry. The system of education is inadequate for the training and development of the future employees in technical and managerial skills needed for the development of human resource management. The country is producing more graduates in the fields of religious studies and humanities (Achoui, 2009). According to a report by World Economic Forum in 2007, the major obstacle in the development of human resources in Arab countries is the uneducated local workforce. Human Resource Management (HRM) is an emerging field in Saudi Arabia (Ali, 2008). Therefore, it is important to see that impact of employee skills of the HR practices of public sector so that companies can gain a clear image of the contribution of their employees in the achievement of their organizational goals. Clearly, the level of skills of the Saudi people affect and are affected by the practice of human resource management in the Kingdom. This is because it is apparent that every HRM system must work hand-in-hand with the people in the area within which it is to operate. Thus, the state of the Saudi human resource base will definitely have an effect on the human resource management system. On the other hand, the human resource management system will attempt to modify the human resource base through events like appraisal, promotion and motivation. Thus the push and pull factors shape and define the human resource system of the country. The purpose of this research proposal is to find out the influence of the changes in the level of skills the public sector of Saudi Arabia on the development o f HRM practices and policies. The importance of this research is that it is an unprecedented exercise that seeks to build the foundation for for future research and development of human resource management in Saudi Arabia. LITERATURE REVIEW: Fitzsimons (1999) stated that education and training are fundamental elements of the concept of human capital which determines the economy of a given nation. In terms of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
CIPD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
CIPD - Essay Example Some internal and external factors are discussed below to realize their impact on the employment relationship. Discipline and grievances are the guidelines that are incorporated in the company’s policy and have a great significance in shaping the behavior of employees in the company. These guidelines are the rules that teach the individual about the company’s culture or way of conducting operations. These guidelines play a very important role in employment relationship. Ethics in the company also derives from these guidelines and every employee in the organization is liable to follow it. Policies design the structure and that structure shapes the behavior of individuals in the company. (CIPD, 2013a). In the employment law equal pay refers to the equal pay should be given to both men and women for the same job. None of the employer is allowed make biasness in giving equal salary or wages to men and women. The measuring standards for equal pay should be the productivity or other majors that does not consider any kind of discrimination among them. Women and men should be equally treated at the workplace and their rights should be protected completely. Gender discrimination is the only factor that is considered in equal pay law. Another perspective to analyze the injustice in equal pay is the comparison of pay with the market wage rate. If the company is paying low wage rate then it will negatively affect the employment relationship. (CIPD, 2013d). In the employment clause, religious discrimination is properly mentioned. In many countries like UAE and US there are huge number of people does not belong to the religion of most of the US and UAE people but still they are living with their own identity. Government has the responsibility to incorporate in the employment law regarding visas, work permits and emiratisation without any biasness in the processes. The work permits should be given to the deserving candidates by
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Foreign-based terrorist influence Essay Example for Free
Foreign-based terrorist influence Essay The influence of foreign-based terrorist organizations is here to stay, and al-Qaeda is not the only one. Appendix D lists many other groups in the world that are full of hate and have no limitations in their pursuit of fulfilling their beliefs. Many groups have had à ° presence, à ° following, or have conducted business in the U. S. for decades. According to the U. S. State Departments designated foreign terrorist organization list for 2002, four groups have à ° confirmed presence in the U.S. : †¢ al-Qaeda, Arabic for â€Å"the base†(worldwide), an Islamic extremist organization that opposes â€Å"non-Islamic†regimes and that has been linked to bombings throughout the world against U. S. government interests †¢ Al-Gamaà Al-Islamiyya (Egypt), an Islamic extremist group responsible for attacks on tourists in Egypt. †¢ Hizbollah (Lebanon), an Islamic extremist group linked to the Iranian government and responsible for suicide truck bombings against U.S. interests †¢ Kahane Chai (Israel and the West Bank), à ° Jewish extremist group seeking to continue the founders rejectionist agenda Hamas, à ° Palestinian fundamentalist group, an offshoot of the Muslim Brethren that came into existence in 1987, is another group with an alleged presence in the United States. â€Å"In addition to the deep-seated concern of the groups with confirmed presences in the U. S., seven countries have been designated as being sponsors of terrorism: Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, North Korea, and Syria. The potential for terrorist activities that threaten the security of the U. S. , its nationals, or allied nations, is greatly enhanced because of the states that sponsor terrorism. However, these countries cannot be handled by local or state law enforcement. This mission falls on the federal government and the military. The role of law enforcement is to provide detailed local information and intelligence to the appropriate authorities on domestic-related matters and on those that involve international groups. Cyber activity is one component that will likely play key roles in future foreign-based terrorist endeavors and will be handled largely by law enforcement. The cyber world provides à ° way for faceless operatives within terrorist organizations to attack key infrastructure systems from virtually anywhere in the world. †(Richard 2004 159).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Physics of Aikido Essay -- physics martial arts fighting fight
Aikido is the martial art that focuses primarily on redirection and control of ones opponent (uke. Pronounced OO-kay). This consists of a set of throws and holds which are intended to subdue and control an uke without permanently harming them. On a spiritual level, Aikido is focused on bringing harmony of the body into harmony of others. Roughly translated Aikido means "The Way of Harmony of the Spirit" which holds true today, though different schools place different emphasis on the spiritual aspect. Aikido was first created approximatly 80 years ago by Morihei Ueshiba, and took a great many techniques from Jujitsu, Judo and Kenjutsu and modified them. Ueshiba focused on forming a martial art that placed a great emphasis on moral and spiritual values as well as a system of techniques that would integrate with the philosophy of Aikido. What about the physics? On a practical level, Aikido is not a martial art of strength and power. It does not focus on throwing punches and kicks to directly oppose an uke's attack. Instead, the focus on redirection means that the physical aspect of Aikido is primarily a dancelike type of motion that is very smooth and flowing. This allows the Aikidoist to harmonize with an uke. This harmonizing allows the Aikidoist to redirect an ukes energy and manipulate the forces that are acting on that person. From a physics standpoint, this means manipulating the location of an uke's center of mass to destabilize and ultimatly bring the uke to the ground. Make sure to swing by the Nifty Section to see some really in-depth and interesting history of Aikido. Basic Physics Big vs. Small Aikido is as much about basic physics as it is about the spiritual aspect. Aikido seeks to make the weak eq... .... A good source since Aikido and Judo are closely related. "The Physics Of Forces In Aikido: Making The Weak Equal To The Strong" http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=284 Chock full of highly informative bits of information. Originally ran in Scientific American, reprinted on this website. "The Aikido FAQ" http://www.aikidofaq.com/ Best. Site. Ever. Everything and anything you ever want to know about Aikido. "Tenchi Nage" http://www.aikido.waw.pl/pol/techniki/tenchi_nage_technika.htm\ Gathered collection of images and illustrative information. "Physics in Hand-to-Hand Combat" http://www.physicspost.com/articles.php?articleId=80 An article similar in content to the Scientific American reprint above. Very useful for basic understanding of relationship between physics and martial arts.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
“Cathedral†written by Raymond Carver Essay
In the story â€Å"Cathedral†written by Raymond Carver, it seems that stereotypes of the blind form barriers between the blind and the sighted. The man in the story has always had misconceptions of the blind which â€Å"came from the movies†(Carver 1). The title, â€Å"Cathedral†, is significant because it helps the man envision the life of Robert. As Robert, the blind man, entered his life, it was hard for the man to form any bond with Robert due to his visual impairment. The man even created a picture in his mind of what Robert would look like, and how he would act. This is because the man has never had any interaction with a blind person, making him have preconceived ideas about Robert. Having Robert stay at the man’s house left the man feeling quite uneasy. Not only was Robert a threat to his wife, he also thought that Robert may be a hassle to deal with. The man stated, â€Å"I wasn’t enthusiastic about his visit. He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me†(Carver 1). Because the man had such strong images in his mind about Robert, the first time he saw Robert caught him by surprise. Robert’s appearance was not unordinary, and did not look like a blind person. †He wore brown slacks, brown shoes, a light brown shirt, a tie, a sports coat. Spiffy†(Carver 32). At this point, the man’s ideas about the blind people’s appearance had been contradicted. When the man realized that his assumptions about Robert were false, and that they actually shared some things in common, he began to feel more comfortable with Robert, even being, â€Å"glad for the company†(Carver 84). This is the first time the man was being polite and friendly to Robert. Soon after, a bond between Robert and the man had begun after a program about cathedrals came on the television. The man becomes aware that, â€Å"There were times when the Englishman who was telling the thing would shut up, would simply let the camera move around over the cathedrals†(Carver 92). The silence in the room became awkward for him because he realized that Robert did not know what was happening when the narrator stopped speaking. Since the man’s stereotypes were beginning to shed during the cathedral conversation, the man came more open with Robert, and realized that Robert is not much different from the rest of society. The two of them began to compare how well each of them envisioned the cathedrals. Robert gave facts that were heard tight off the television, demonstrating his limited knowledge. The man also attempted to describe this cathedrals, â€Å"they’re really big,†(Carver 100) he explains, â€Å"they’re massive†(Carver 100). At this point, he understood just how little he actually knew about the cathedrals, even with a picture right in front of him. Now the man is awakened to his newly, humbled, equal position along side Robert, with the help of the cathedral. With the man’s stereotypes diminishing, he became to trust Robert and is giving him a chance to build a relationship. When Robert brought up the idea for the man to draw the cathedral out as Robert follows, the man was able to appreciate what blind people go through. When he finished the drawing, Robert said, â€Å"Well are you looking?†(Carver 125) The man replied, â€Å"It’s really something†(Carver 126). The man had allowed himself to experience, even if for just a few minutes, what Robert experiences every second of his life. This was the same man, who only a few hours ago did not want Robert to be in his house. Overcoming prejudices, fears, and misconceptions are only possible when you allow yourself to get close to a person who these feelings are directed towards. By the man becoming close with Robert, he was capable to see what was necessary to gain an understanding of what life is like for a blind man, with the help of the vision of the cathedral. The man began to draw the cathedral to try and help Robert visualize what one looked like. What he did not realize is that Robert was actually helping him visualize what blindness felt like.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Lady of Bath vs. Desdemona
ENGL 220 – Scott Mackenzie December 8th, 2010 Breaking the Socially Acceptable Behavior of Women in Chaucer and Shakespeare To say that men in the centuries leading up to the twentieth believed a woman must be â€Å"seen but not heard,†is a fair statement. Women during the times of Chaucer and Shakespeare were second class citizens with little rights. They were considered properties of their masters (fathers and husbands), and had no use other than birthing and mothering. A woman was supposed to be meek, chaste, and have no opinion.However, the characters Desdemona in William Shakespeare’s Othello and Dame Alison from The Wife of Bath’s Prologue in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales seemingly go against common conventions of women, as they are bold characters who have strong opinions and exert dominance. Dame Alison, the Wife of Bath, is a character created by Chaucer in The Canterbury Tales. She is a merchant who has an interest in profit, an d uses sex and her many husbands to gain that profit. Alison has been married five times, and she is open to more, as sex is extremely important to her. Welcome the sixte, whan that ever he shal! / For sothe, I wol nat kepe me chast in al,/ Whan myn housbonde is fro the world anoon. †(51-53) Alison is boldly stating that she will continue to remarry because she cannot remain without sex, a statement that blatantly goes against the ideal woman, a lady who has one husband and is chaste at all times. Alison challenges this ideal when she says, â€Å"but that I axe, why that the fifthe man/ was noon housbond to the Samaritan? 1/ How manye mighte she have in mariage? / †¦ God bad us for to wexe and multiplye. (21-23, 28) In Alison’s time, the messages in the bible were considered the truth and 1 Referencing a story in the bible where Jesus told a Samaritan that though she had five mates, only one was her husband. were not to be challenged, especially by a woman. Withi n the first one hundred lines of her prologue, Dame Alison is breaking traditional womanly conventions by admitting her love of sex and questioning why the bible says she can only have one husband. Traditionally, husbands worked to make money and wives took care of the household.However, in The Canterbury Tales, we find out that Dame Alison is a business woman who â€Å"of cloth-making she hadde swich an haunt,/ she passed hem of Ypres and of Gaunt. †(Prologue to Canterbury Tales, 449-50) And though she is a successful business woman in her own right, Alison also uses sex to control her men and receive material gifts from them. She states that her first husbands were so old that â€Å"they had me yeven hir gold and hir tresoor;/ me neded nat do lenger diligence/ to winne hir love, or doon hem reverence. (204-206) In this quote, Alison is saying that they gave her land, money, and love without her having to have sex with them, a quote that shows readers she is open about sle eping with men to get what she wants. She reaffirms this notion of using sex to get what she wants by stating, â€Å"a wys womman wol sette hir ever in oon/ to gete hir love, ther as she hath noon. / But sith I hadde hem hoolly in myn hond,/ and sith they hadde me yeven all hir lond/ what sholde I taken hede hem for to plese/ but it were for my profit and myn ese? (209-214) In the lines following that quote, Alison goes on to mention that she had her husbands wrapped around her finger and that they were happy to please her. This is a direct contradiction to the social expectations of women in the time of Chaucer. Women were supposed to be at their husbands beckon and call, to ask for nothing, and to provide sex when needed by the husband. However, Alison’s husbands are at her beckon and call, she asks repeatedly for things, and she only has sex when she wants something. By using sex to her economic advantage, Alison is further breaking the socially acceptable behavior of wom en.Dame Alison challenges the bible in reference to virginity. Challenging the bible was generally taboo, especially when it came from a woman. Alison poses strong arguments and questions about virginity. Firstly, she says that Saint Paul’s talk of virginity and remaining celibate throughout life â€Å"al nis but conseil. †(82) Secondly, in lines 105-114, she is saying that virginity is a kind of perfection, and though Jesus was perfect, virginity is only meant for those who strive for absolute perfection, like Jesus was. Alison, on the other hand, says that â€Å"[she] wol bistoew the flour of al myn age,/ in the actes and in fruit of mariage. (113-114) Thirdly, Alison questions the design of the physical body. â€Å"Telle me also, to what conclusion/ were membres maad of generacioun/ and for what profit was a wight y-wrought? †(115-117) In this quote, Alison is asking why genitals were made perfect for each other if they weren’t mean to be used. Quest ioning why the bible and society have such strong opinions on virginity, a subject that is not generally discussed by women, is yet another reason why Dame Alison, the Wife of Bath from The Canterbury Tales challenges the socially acceptable behavior of women.Desdemona, the main female character in William Shakespeare’s Othello is another example of a character who is breaking female behavior norms. In the first act, Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, makes note of what a proper Venetian woman should be. He says they should be â€Å"of spirit still and quiet†¦ never bold. †(I. iii. 95-97) Contrary to Brabantio’s statement however, Desdemona is arguably bold. Her father, Brabantio, has long decided Desdemona will marry a business man. She, however, finds them boring, and thus marries Othello.Othello, though a celebrated general of the Venetian arm, is a moor2 and is therefore somewhat of a 2 A person who usually comes from northern Africa or Arabia and i s therefore black or dark skinned. societal outcast in the predominantly white Venice. Desdemona blatantly defies her father, something proper women never do, by marrying a social outcast. Any proper woman in Othello’s time would have been meek and polite both in public and in private, characteristics that are not displayed by Desdemona in either place.When confronted by her father about her marriage to Othello, Desdemona fights back, stating â€Å"I am hitherto your daughter: but here’s my husband/ and so much duty as my mother show’d/ to you, preferring you before her,/ so much I challenge that I may profess/ due to the Moor my lord. †(I. iii. 185-189) Desdemona is maintaining a strong stance on her marriage to Othello and is not cowering away because of her angry father. She publicly argues with Brabantio, an act that easily challenges the socially acceptable behavior of women as women were supposed to be submissive, never arguing with their fathers ( or any man for that matter), specially in public. Like Dame Alison, Desdemona is a temptress who uses sex to get what she wants. Trying to convince Othello to forgive Cassio, Desdemona states, â€Å"tell me Othello, I wonder in my soul/ what you would ask me that I should deny,/ or stand so mammering on? †(III. iii. 68-70) By referring to her unquestionable desire to please Othello in every possible way, Desdemona is saying that Othello cannot possibly love her as much as she loves him if he denies her wishes. In this one instance, Desdemona is subtly defying the socially acceptable behavior of women as she is using her sexuality to get what she wants.Overall, both Desdemona from Othello and Dame Alison from The Wife of Bath’s Prologue are characters who defy the socially acceptable behavior of women in their respective time periods. Desdemona acts bold by defying and arguing with her father, and uses her sexuality to manipulate. Similarly, Alison uses her sexuality f or economic gains from her five husbands, has a successful business of her own, and challenges the bible’s stance on multiple marriages and virginity. Therefore, both Geoffrey Chaucer and William Shakespeare challenge the ideals of the behavior of women in the early 14th and 17th centuries respectively.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Korean War Essays
Korean War Essays Korean War Essay Korean War Essay Despite the total victory and unconditional surrender in the recent World War II, the Korean War was not along the same lines whatsoever. The Korean War began when the North and South were divided at the 38th parallel; suddenly, the Communist North invaded the south and most of it was consumed except for a final southernmost city. There, General MacArthur was sent my President Truman to Korea for a police action. With U. N advancements up near the Chinese-Korean border, the Chinese sent their own troops to force MacArthur back near the original border lines, where MacArthur called for extra support and was denied. Korea was a different sort of war in numerous ways. To begin, Korea was not to be a major part of the Soviet Communist expansion plan. Stalin originally did not favor invading South Korea but believed that it would be a small step in expanding and that the U. S would not care too much. Having this be the case, no one knew that the war would carry on for years, certainly not the United States. This attack was a surprise for the U. S and Truman responded quickly. This war was again different because the war was supposed to restore the boundaries to the original 38th parallel. Instead, MacArthur was ordered to push into North Korea and the Chinese became engaged in the battle. The move into the North changed the battle grounds of the war. Now, the U. N was not only defending non-communist South Korea, but also attacking a larger China. Forces being pushed back called for MacArthur to ask for larger scale attacks, even involving nuclear missiles to be used on China. Having deviated from the original plan to this extent, Truman could not continue and needed to say no. This leads to the fact that MacArthurs claim that there is no substitute for victory as problematic in the case of Korea because victory meant launching a full-out attack on China. The U. S at the time was mainly concerned with the U. S. S. R and not the Chinese. Launching an attack would spring the U. S back into war-mode, which nobody was willing to do at the time. Also, the engagement of war would have probably sprung a war against not only China, but would have also involved the Soviet Union in assisting China, which mightVe ended a disaster for the U. S. Even with the help of newly- founded NATO, many European powers in WWII would not be resent in the war against Korea/China/Soviet Union due to still-Reconstruction. This belief that victory needed to be sought after led to MacArthur ranting on the President in public. Even being a great general, Truman had to remove MacArthur from his duties; the nation banded MacArthur as a traitor. Truce was reluctantly discussed momentarily; having more interest in prisoner exchanges, truce discussions were hesitantly discussed and the battle waged and more souls were unnecessarily lost. With the invasion of South Koreans by the North, the Korean War was underway and would prove to be a stalemate between both sides. The Soviet Union did not intend for attacking South Korea to be a major priority in their plans; thus, they did not go all-out in the attack before and after U. S and U. N involvement. Similarity, the U. N originally only wanted to restore the 38th parallel boundary. However, as the war continued, it seemed that victory could only be reached by attacking China, and eventually the Soviet Union as well. Witn neither side really engaging in full war tactics, neither side also really wanted to declare a truce as well. Battle waged on and the loss of lives was plenty as an armed hostile armistice was loosely formed to end the war.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Bounce Back When You Make a Mistake at Work
How to Bounce Back When You Make a Mistake at Work The reply-all with a snarky comment, when you meant to forward to a trusted friend. The dropped ball that caused you to miss a major deadline.The â€Å"I’m disappointed in you†talk from your boss.So you’ve made a major mistake at work. Or you’ve gotten a poor review, or maybe you just feel like you’re coasting along, performing way below your ability. Whatever the reason, you feel like you’re just barely holding on. What can you do when you make a mistake at work?At some point in their career, everyone has a stumbling point. Sometimes mistakes happen due to being overwhelmed, making an oversight, or having a moment of carelessness. It happens to everyone, even the most conscientious employee. So when something happens and you feel like you’re sitting in the corner of shame, remember that you’re not the only one. Even the people who are angry with you have been there (or will be) at some point, so try not to take it too perso nally.The Aftermath of your GaffeAfter a mistake, it can feel like you’re stuck in a kind of purgatory. Am I going to get fired? Have I totally ruined my reputation? And everything, every little bobble or mistake, feels magnified. It’s important not to get stuck under this tidal wave of stress and worry. Once you’ve made a mistake, or been called out for poor performance, the most important thing is to step up.Apologize/acknowledge what happened.You don’t need to wear a sandwich board saying, â€Å"I screwed up,†but letting your boss (and anyone affected by the mistake) know that you understand how you failed is key. If you messed up, a simple â€Å"I’m sorry†goes a long way here, just like it does in all aspects of life. And FYI: â€Å"I’m sorry you feel that way†is not a legit apology here.Own itAccept responsibility for what happened. Resist the urge to throw anyone under the bus here; it won’t lessen your o wn consequences, and will just cause further issues and bad blood. That’s not to say you should take all blame; rather, if it’s a shared mistake or problem, be clear about your part in the mistake, and take your share of the blame. Naming names, or the kindergarten classic â€Å"but he was doing it too!†won’t get you any brownie points right now.Show that it won’t happen againIf it was a lapse on your part, let people know that you’re taking action to make sure it doesn’t happen again. If it was a process that failed, show how you’re changing things so that there’s not a repeat.Look for small winsUnfairly or not, you’re likely going to be under increased scrutiny for some period of time, while things are still recent and raw. In addition to making sure the blunder isn’t repeated, it couldn’t hurt to be an A+ employee for a while: show up early, stay late, put in extra hours to show that you’r e back on it. Take on extra projects to demonstrate your commitment to the job. It’s about rebuilding others’ confidence in you, sure, but it’s just as much about rebuilding your own confidence. Succeeding at things, even small ones, can help you get back into your groove while showing everyone else that you’re ready to move onward and upward.Move onIf it’s not a fatal (e.g. firing) mistake (more on that in a bit), this too shall pass. Odds are, things will get back to normal pretty quickly. And while you can’t erase what happened, or make everyone forget what you did, everyone has a job to do. This incident will get lost in the shuffle of everyday work. You might have a rough few weeks, but at some point you’ll notice that things have gotten back to the routine.Ask Yourself: Why Did This Happen?Once you’ve got the problem in hand and have started your apology tour, you have some space to think more about why this happened. Som etimes mistakes just come out of the blue, in a moment of inattention or poor decision-making. Other times they’re part of a pattern of carelessness, or a lack of caring about the job. So after you’ve started the damage control process, it’s time to figure out why you’re in this situation in the first place.Did I make this mistake/perform poorly because I don’t care about this job anymore?Did I make this mistake/perform poorly because I’m overwhelmed by my job, and need to make adjustments?Did this happen because I don’t have the right skill set, or need to know more about how things work?If you made the mistake or got a poor performance review because you’re just not into your jobIt might be time to get out. It’s not ideal to quit straightaway- it’s much better to start exploring your options and opportunities before you jump ship. But if you’re already performing at a lower level because you’re unh appy or disinterested, that’s a major red flag.If the performance issue was due to you being overwhelmed by your jobTalk to your boss. ASAP. It’s time for a very frank discussion about your priorities, your tasks, and your role. If things don’t change and performance continues to slide, that will be on you, and it will make things even more uncomfortable. Your boss has a strong interest in making sure you perform your best and stay a satisfied employee, so don’t fear the conversation. It might be possible to restructure your daily tasks, or find new ways to do them, so that you’re able to do your job at the level you know you can hit.If the mistakes are happening because you don’t have the right skill setYou need to figure out what you’re lacking, and strategize how to either a) get those skills and knowledge; or b) share responsibilities in a way that works for you and your team. It may be that this is something you can handle on you r own (for example, getting trained on a particular kind of software, or taking online seminars about time management). But it may well be that you need help from someone else in your company, and that’s okay. If you need to sit down with someone to understand processes or tasks, do it. If you need help from your boss prioritizing, ask for it. This goes back to showing that you’ve learned from past mistakes, and are trying to get stronger.What If I’m Fired As a Result?Some mistakes, well, sorry to say that you can’t bounce back so easily and keep your job. Say there was a major money loss, or you happened to do something that was considered unforgiveable by the powers that be. If this turns out to be the case, and you’re let go for cause, your career is not over. Remember before, when I mentioned that you have to work hard to prove yourself and move on? That’s doubly true if you’re fired- and you have to cope with that while also look ing for a new job. So it’s not an easy road, but also not impossible.If you lose your job because of performance issues, you still have options:1. Don’t put off your job search.It can be tempting to lay low for a while, but the longer you wait, you’re delaying the inevitable moment you get back out there. You also run the risk of (unintentionally) reinforcing the idea that you’re unhireable, the longer you stay out of the game. As with a big mistake, accept that it happened, think about how you can do better, and find ways to improve and make yourself a stronger candidate.2. Think hard about what you want to do.Is your field really a good fit for you, after how things ended at your last place? If it was just the company or the role that was the problem, that’s a pretty straightforward fix. But this is a chance to think about what you should really be doing next.3. Get your references in place.Given how things ended, you probably won’t want y our most recent boss to sing your praises (especially if you’re not sure what he/she will say), but you can still get former colleagues from other jobs, or people in your network to act as references.4. Spin it.You lost your job, and that’s going to come up when someone sees an end date on your resume, or asks why you left your last job. The important thing is to turn the narrative into a more positive one. â€Å"I left my last position because it wasn’t a good fit. I’m ready to move on to the next challenge.†It’s a little vague and not ideal, but it’s also not a brutally honest, â€Å"I got fired. Hire me please?†Keep in mind that the reasons you were let go might come up during a background or reference check, so it’s best not to flat-out lie about your reasons for leaving.While you’re looking for a new job, the old one might haunt you somewhat. But again, it’s important to acknowledge, accept, and move on with your life. Everyone loves a good comeback story, and if you work hard to be better than your past mistakes, you can pull yourself up and out of the muck. You can survive, you will survive, and you’ll walk away with some very hard-won insight about yourself and your career.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Something related to women experiencing psychosomatic issues, must be Essay
Something related to women experiencing psychosomatic issues, must be focued on women - Essay Example First, common psychological disorders are more common among women. Most women suffer from some disorder, like anxiety or depression. Second, women are more likely to experience the trauma caused by past and present abuse. This leads to a greater incidence of somatic symptoms. Third, there is significant difference in the emotional threshold of men and women. Furthermore, childhood socialization has a substantial effect on the attitude adopted, while reporting sensations. There is a well felt need to conduct further research in this area, in order to assess reporting patterns (Barsky, Peekna, & Borus, 2001). As such, the gender differential in reporting symptoms has to be dealt with by exploring its root causes. A causal relationship between gynecological symptoms and psychological disorders in women was perceived to exist by some gynecologists and psychologists. One gynecologist states that many females exhibited gynecological symptoms, in the absence of any gynecological illness. This phenomenon could be described as a psychological disorder masquerading as a gynecological issue (Gath, et al., 1987, p. 213). In a few studies, gynecological patients were evaluated on the basis of their self-assessment. These studies suggested that nearly 50 % of these women were suffering from psychiatric illness. This is a seemingly very high incidence of psychological disorders. However, these studies do not take into consideration, women who attend other types of medical clinics (Gath, et al., 1987, p. 213). Despite this argument, there is considerable evidence that gynecological morbidity is high in women with psychological disorders. In addition, it was observed that women who had undergone gynecological surgery were more frequently diagnosed with hysteria. Moreover, many women with neurotic disorders had complained of irregular menstrual periods.It has frequently been
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