Thursday, September 3, 2020
Open Adoption vs. Closed Adoption free essay sample
Numerous kids are received every year, and with these kids being embraced there are receptions. There are numerous types of appropriation utilized all through the world, however the greatest types of selection are shut reception and open selection. Open receptions are selections in which the birthmother, the natural mother of an adoptee, is permitted contact with the adoptee. Shut appropriation is a selection where the birthmother of the adoptee is absent in the child’s life in any capacity whatsoever. The birth family is totally cut off and can't give or get any data with respect to their government assistance or the adoptee’s. Shut appropriations are a superior choice than open selection and ought to be obligatory in light of the fact that it would forestall disarray the youngster may confront, permit kids to really fit into their supportive family, give security and conclusion and shield families from unsteady birthparents. Having numerous arrangements of guardians makes disarray in a family, and generally for the youngster. We will compose a custom paper test on Open Adoption versus Shut Adoption or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page â€Å"Adoption was made out of the acknowledgment that kids need to have a sense of safety about who their folks are and what their parent’s job is†(Harnack 84). This is what’s best for the kid in most if not all appropriations. The kid has to realize who precisely is their parent, not a birthparent but rather the new parent. New parents are lasting and a youngster may not get a handle on that thought with a speculative parent; the birth parent. At the point when a youngster doesn't have the foggiest idea who their parent is, it makes inconvenience. The kid may even search out difficulty. Kids are creating and such a flimsy family makes extremely brutal formative issues inside the adoptee. All youngsters need to know who their folks are and have the option to believe that their folks won't leave them. Having a birth parent around makes things hard for everybody, except in particular the adoptee. The adoptee may have a decreased capacity to absorb into family-Interaction with the birth family may make it harder for the youngster to acclimatize into the supportive family†(â€Å"Open Adoption: Disadvantages†). This is one of numerous instances of how supportive families are not as entire and full as they might be a result of issues with the birth parent. The sentiment of dismissal from a birthmother can truly affect the scholarly development and advancement of an adoptee. An ongoing meeting of an adoptee gave more proof and exhibited how the protection gave a shut appropriation would give the new parents more conclusion. The multi year old adoptee found out about her shut appropriation ten years back when she was four, her folks needed to stand by to advise her until she was eighteen however the adoptee discovered through another relative. So then the reception got open permitting the adoptee contact with her introduction to the world mother. â€Å"Now,†said the adoptee â€Å"I talk with my birthmother more than I do my mom†(Anonymous). Her birthmother being a major piece of her life, the adoptee is losing her relationship with her new parents. Her new parents feel that if the birthmother wasn’t so meddling in their carries on with that they would have a superior relationship with their girl. This is the reason the conclusion and security engaged with a shut appropriation is so basic. Despite the fact that there are such a large number of advantages in a shut selection a few people despite everything contend that open appropriation isn't totally the most exceedingly awful choice at times. Among those contending are adoptees who create clinical ailments in the course of their life. One thing a specialist may ask when a patient is determined to have an infection is for clinical history. An adoptee in a shut appropriation doesn't approach their clinical history, that data is fixed at a town hall similarly as with the contact data of the birthfamily. At times the birth family is reached and will not surrender the imperative data that would be advantageous in the treatment of a patient. â€Å"When an adoptee is denied clinical information†¦ he may feel like and grown-up who has no rights whatsoever†(Eldridge 269). An open reception would guarantee a clinical history and forestall the embarrassment of being without, however this positive factor of open appropriation doesn't exceed the advantages of the shut selection. One of those advantages incorporates getting away from the danger of â€Å"an insecure birthparent [who] could cause problems†(Adamec). Commonly receptions happen in light of the fact that the birthparent is unsuited to bring up the youngster. This incorporates birthparents who misuse drugs, are jobless or even felonious. Temperamental birthparents give terrible guides to adoptees and a significant part of the time impact adoptees. Youngsters have truly pliable personalities; this is the reason it is so natural for kids to learn. They get characteristics and learn negative behavior patterns through the time they go through with their birthparents. There have additionally been more regrettable cases, for instance there are situations where birthparents capture the adoptee. The new parents and the adoptee ought to never need to confront the pressure or injury an unsteady birth parent would cause. Open appropriation has gotten traditional, right around a standard for selections. Shut selections are practically unfathomable nowadays. One would think with all the advantages of a shut appropriation it would be the norm, yet such isn't the situation. Shut selections are a superior choice since it encourages adoptees to really fit into their supportive family, forestalls disarray in an adoptee, gives security and conclusion, and shield the assenting families from unsteady birthfamilies. Work Cited Adamec, Christine. Open or Closed Adoption? Family Education. Pearson Education, Inc. , 2004. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. lt;http://life. familyeducation. com/appropriation/birth-guardians/45775. htmlgt;. Mysterious. Individual meeting. 22 February 2013. Eldridge, Sherrie. Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew. New York: Dell Publishing, 1999. Print. Harnack, Andrew. Selection Opposing Viewpoints. Miami: San Val Incorporated, 1995. Print. Open Adoption: Disadvantages. American Pregnancy Association. N. p. , Oct. 2008. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. lt;http://americanpregnancy. orggt;.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand Essay Example for Free
Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand Essay The beginning stage of Objectivist Epistemology is the guideline, introduced by Rand as an immediate result of the magical aphorism that Existence is Identity, that Knowledge is Identification. Objectivist epistemology[9] concentrates how one can decipher recognition, I. e. , mindfulness gained through the faculties, into legitimate ideas that really distinguish the realities of the real world. Objectivism expresses that by the technique for reason man can pick up information (recognizable proof of the realities of the real world) and rejects philosophical wariness. Objectivism additionally dismisses confidence and feeling as methods for achieving information. Despite the fact that Rand recognized the significance of feeling in people, she kept up that the presence of feeling was a piece of our world, not a different methods for accomplishing attention to the real world. Rand was neither an old style empiricist (like Hume or the intelligent positivists) nor a traditional realist (like Plato, Descartes, or Frege). She couldn't help contradicting the empiricists chiefly in that she believed discernment to be essentially sensation stretched out after some time, restricting the extent of recognition to programmed, pre-subjective mindfulness. Accordingly, she classified supposed perceptual fantasies as blunders in intellectual translation because of multifaceted nature of perceptual information. She held that target recognizable proof of the estimations of traits of existents is acquired by estimation, extensively characterized as techniques whose perceptual part, the examination of the ascribes an incentive to a norm, is easy to such an extent that a mistake in the subsequent ID is absurd given an engaged brain. Hence, as indicated by Rand, information acquired by estimation (the way that a substance has the deliberate trait, and the estimation of this credit comparative with the norm) is logically sure. Ayn Rands most particular commitment in epistemology is her hypothesis that ideas are appropriately shaped by estimation oversight. Objectivism recognizes substantial ideas from ineffectively framed ideas, which Rand calls enemies of ideas. While we can realize that something exists by recognition, we can just recognize what exists by estimation and rationale, which are important to transform percepts into legitimate ideas. Procedural rationale (characterized by Rand as the specialty of non-conflicting distinguishing proof) determines that a legitimate idea is shaped by overlooking the variable estimations of the benefits of comparing qualities of a lot of occurrences or units, however keeping the rundown of shared characteristics a format with estimations precluded as the measure of enrollment in the applied class. At the point when the way that a unit has all the traits on this rundown has been checked by estimation, at that point that unit is known with logical assurance to be a unit of the given idea. [9] Because an idea is just known to be legitimate inside the scope of the estimations by which it was approved, it is a mistake to accept that an idea is substantial outside this range, which is its (logical) scope. It is additionally a blunder to expect that a suggestion is known to be substantial outside the extent of its ideas, or that the decision of a logic is known to be legitimate outside the extent of its premises. Rand attributed scope infringement blunders in rationale to epistemological intrinsicism. [9][4] Rand didn't think about the explanatory engineered qualification, including the view that there are certainties in uprightness of importance, or that fundamental realities and numerical facts are best comprehended as realities in goodness of significance, to have merit. She comparatively precluded the presence from securing from the earlier information. Rand additionally thought of her as thoughts particular from foundationalism, gullible authenticity about discernment like Aristotle, or representationalism (I. e. , an aberrant pragmatist who puts stock in a shroud of thoughts) like Descartes or Locke. Objectivist epistemology, as most other philosophical parts of Objectivism, was first introduced by Rand in Atlas Shrugged. [5] It is all the more completely created in Rands 1967 Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology. [9] Rand thought of her as epistemology and its premise in reason so integral to her way of thinking that she commented, I am not principally a backer of private enterprise, yet of selfishness; and I am not fundamentally a promoter of vanity, however of reason. On the off chance that one perceives the matchless quality of reason and applies it reliably, all the rest follows.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Tikanga Maori Essay Example
Tikanga Maori Paper (Tikanga Whakaaro, Barlow, C 1996) In every one of these models, the word kaupapa is utilized to portray the sort of work or capacities to be done. So also, with regards to government divisions, the word kaupapa applies to the setting of arrangement, for instance: Social government assistance strategy: the approach contains the standards and rules, identifying with the tasks of the office. Maori school approach: this identifies with the rules, rules, and conditions for setting up free Maori schools at the essential level. Iwi progress authority arrangement: since 1989 Maori clans and government authorities have been occupied with a procedure of deciding strategy for iwi specialists which following the devolution of the Maori Affairs Department. The word kaupapa can be related with practically any association concerning its arrangement and practices, especially according to organization. (Tikanga Whakaaro, Barlow,C 1996) Te Toi Whakairo is the specialty of Maori cutting, and Tohunga Whakairo was the extraordinary carvers the ace skilled workers. An ace carver was profoundly thought of. We will compose a custom article test on Tikanga Maori explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Tikanga Maori explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Tikanga Maori explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The Maori accepted that the divine beings made and conveyed through the ace carvers. Today, cutting is a significant Tikanga for Maori. Tapu and noa remain some portion of Maori culture today. Tapu goes to the core of Maori strict idea and despite the fact that a lion's share of Maori are individuals from some Christian church or organization the thought of tapu holds. It isn't generally a matter of picking one religion over another. Or maybe it has to do with incorporating various ways of thinking and trying to accommodate clear inconsistencies. tapu is wherever in our reality. It is available in individuals, in places, in structures, in things, word, and in all tikanga. tapu is indistinguishable from mana, from our way of life as Maori and from our social practices. Maori regard tapu of spots and structures, for example, the hereditary gathering house. They likewise regard the tapu of people including their own. These are standards and qualities that Maori have faith in however it must be conceded that a considerable lot of them no longer think about these qualities and frequently don't have the foggiest idea what to do. In any case, tapu stays a significant piece of Maori activities and of their convictions. Maori ought not step over a dozing individual the explanation has to do with the tapu of the individual; one ought not disregard anything the leader of another, the head being the most tapu part of an individual. A structure is opened at sunrise since it is tapu until the second the manufacturers, carvers and decorators are discharged from the tapu of inventive work and the structure is cleared prepared for open use. The entire of the tangihanga service can't be clarified except if the thought of tapu is obviously comprehended. tapu itself was the most impressive, the most significant, and the most sweeping into Maori life. (http://www. history-nz. organization) Noa is frequently matched with tapu arraigning that regularly noa alludes to reestablishing a parity. An elevated level of tapu is viewed as perilous. Here the job of tikanga and of tohunga is diminishing the degree of endogenous tapu until it is noa or safe. It isn't valuable to consider noa being something contrary to tapu or as nonattendance of tapu. This is obviously not the situation. For instance an individual can be very tapu on the off chance that one is extremely sick of there is draining and shedding of blood. Once these tapu-expanding side effects have passed the individual comes back to a sheltered state, yet at the same time has individual tapu . the condition of noa demonstrates that an equalization has been reached, an emergency is finished, wellbeing is reestablished and life is typical once more. This implies connections are reestablished. This state agrees with a condition of ea and noa. This state may keep going for half a month until furious about some unforeseen occasion. (http://www. history-nz. organization) Tapu and noa remain some portion of Maori culture today, in spite of the fact that people today are not dependent upon the equivalent tapu as that of past occasions. Another house today, for instance, may have a noa function to expel the tapu, so as to make the home safe before the family moves in. These days, tapu totally are still in proof concerning ailment, demise, and internment. Tapu is clear in the Marae and in the Whare too. The first purposes behind some tapu are hazy today, yet different explanations behind tapu incorporated the preservation of indigenous habitat. This apparently benefitted the network all in all. (http://www. history-nz. organization) All in all, this report shows the qualities, convictions and morals that support conventional Maori society and make pertinence of writing about kaupapa Maori and tikanga Maori, investigation pertinent philosophical and culture term of customary Maori society and culture. List of sources http://www. history-nz. organization New Zealand in History http://tikanga. maori. organization. nz The internet of Maori Organizations of New Zealand http://tikanga. maori. organization. nz/The primary Maori Site on the Net. Barlow,C(1996)Tikanga Whakaaro: Key ideas in Maori Culture, Oxford University Press, Auckland.
Free Essays on Narrative Essay
As I strolled down the foyer to the back, a solid horrible smell got observable. I strolled further and the odor became more grounded. I nearly couldn’t take it; the smell contorted my stomach nearly making me upchuck, however I battled the desire and forged ahead. As I strolled on that’s when I heard it, at first muted and afterward more clear, it was cries and howls. It seemed like something was being tormented or killed so as to extricate the last piece of agony from its casualty. I proceeded arriving at the finish of the section; that’s when I at that point crossed the limit into the fundamental room just to have my heart torn from my chest and tossed to the floor. Everything I could see was a great many confines of pooches in a portion of the most exceedingly awful conditions I have ever observed. As I wandered into the room the principal thing that leaped out at me were the confines, they were little, and had a few canines in every one. The confines were built of steel fencing on three sides and they were associated with an indistinguishable outside nook by means of a gap in a mutual square divider. I strolled on and saw that I was beginning to perspire. It was outrageously sweltering and awkward in this room; I could just envision how the creatures felt lying on the floor close to the section that was allowing in the blasting inferno of the evening sun. As I forged ahead, I contemplated internally, â€Å"They don’t even treat detainees this badly.†Recoiling as I needed to pass all the enclosures I saw that not exclusively were the confines little, stuffed, and dismal, they were likewise messy. The sickening scent that had grasped my feeling of smell prior was that of canine pee and stool. The bear solid floors of the confines were canvassed in dried canine pee that in the summer’s heat was discharging a not exactly attractive fragrance. As I moved toward an enclosure to see one of the pooches, I saw fecal issue was detected everywhere throughout the floor. In the event that I needed to figure I would state that the confines were never cleaned. Gotten between ailment... Free Essays on Narrative Essay Free Essays on Narrative Essay â€Å"Stop pursuing me!†screamed the young man with spots and fire-red hair. Sheila couldn’t help however gaze as she entered her smooth dark Mercedes with all-wood framing and calfskin inside. She flipped up her mobile phone and quickly dialed the quantity of her office, coming to Suzy, her secretary. Without even a welcome, Sheila started shaking orders away. â€Å"Call Mr. Isham, drop my arrangement at 3:30, have the McLaden, Hyatt, Jacobs, and Smith Warner records around my work area a.s.a.p.†All in one breath. â€Å"Oh, and don’t overlook my twofold coffee with sesame seed bagel. Toasted.†Sheila attempts to overwhelm herself in work at whatever point conceivable, which isn’t too hard considering she’s an extravagant attorney in New York acquiring over $350,000 per year. She settled on certain choices before in her life, which despite everything frequent her and she thinks about day by day whether she settled on the correct decision. Chit jabbering of individual understudies and steady tapping on consoles encompasses the bustling café, joined with the sweet fragrance of coffee mixed with whipped cream. All Sheila could consider was the pink in addition to sign on the pregnancy test. Here she was a lesser at Princeton, probably the best school in the country, and she was confronting the greatest choice she’d ever make. Goodness the embarrassment she would look from her family and the mistake that she would cause them, all the more so to herself. It had been her fantasy since the time she hit middle school to turn into an expensive legal advisor in New York. â€Å"Hey darling. I missed you,†he murmured softy in her ear. â€Å"What’s wrong? Did you get An on an exam,†he prodded. â€Å"I’m pregnant Keon,†she said in one speedy breath. He tenderly took her in his arms and vowed to consistently be there at whatever point she need him. Sheila drove him away and quickly revealed to him her choice without turning upward. â€Å"I’m getting a fetus removal at a neighborhood center tomorrow,†she wheezed. â€Å"Don’t attempt to adjust my perspective. As s... Free Essays on Narrative Essay It’s July 1993. I’m 12 years of age. We are staring at the TV in the lounge room. I hear a flying creature trilling outside the window of the family room. I pull the blind all the way open to see where the twitter was coming from. I saw a child feathered creature limping on the walkway, it more likely than not dropped out of the tree, I contemplated internally. My senses instructed me to head outside and bring the winged animal inside before a feline gets to it and gobbles it up. I go to my sibling, who is simply sitting in the lounge area close to me, and hollered out to him, â€Å"There’s a winged animal outside limping, lets acquire it the house until it shows signs of improvement and afterward we’ll let it go.†My sibling and I run to the entryway to get the flying creature. As we both got to the yard and ran down three painted red advances, the feathered creature started to bounce towards a bramble on the house. Each time we drew nearer to the feathered creature the stronger the winged animal started to peep. As the flying creature arrived at the shrub it was much harder to get it in light of the considerable number of thistles standing out of bramble. At the point when I at long last got hold of the fledgling and started going after it. An uproarious blast sound had gone of inside the area. It sounded a lot of like a firecracker that had gone off. I alarmed from the sound and dropped the winged creature out of my hand. My sibling looked scared, said to me that the sound of that blast, seemed like gunfire. I disclosed to him that it was only some firecracker down the road since it is practically Fourth of July. So we returned to attempting to snatch the feathered creature and barely cared about it. Blast, blast, blast! I alarmed again and this time I admired see what the clamor truly is. It ended up being a sound of a gunfire that was originating from the base of the road from an earthy colored, messy, spray painting loft. I see a man in dark pants and a dim T-shirt running up the slope with a firearm in his grasp. He is pointing the firearm up towards the slope at a lady who is running all through the road shouting for help. I investigated and I see the lady running towards my brothe... Free Essays on Narrative Essay Graduation should be an energizing time in a person’s life. Their loved ones are to accumulate and celebrate in the happy event, particularly a school graduation. Be that as it may, my brother’s graduation was somewhat strange. Picture flawless is the way it was arranged, yet God chose to adjust this perfect end of the week to make it more intriguing. My sibling chose around five years prior to leave our family and move to Sacramento to set off for college. Over two years after the fact it was the ideal opportunity for him to graduate and time for us to fly up to see it. Aircraft tickets were purchased and inn reservations were made, we were all set. The morning of, my mom called the vehicle rental spot to ensure that a vehicle would be there, hanging tight for us. The woman on the telephone told my mother that she had us planned to show up at nine o’clock pm. This represented a colossal issue thinking about that the graduation was a three. After my mother hung up the telephone she called the aircraft to check the flight. She discovered that when she requested an early morning flight the individual who helped us put us on a nine o’clock flight believing that it was toward the beginning of the day, yet he neglected to see the pm connected to the time. So off we went evading the vehicles of the morning heavy traffic to make it to the air terminal on schedule. My other sibling, Rob, was going to meet us there so we could all go together. My mom attempted and attempted to get it together of him, however was fruitless. We showed up just to discover Rob sitting tight there for us all set, it was a colossal help. So we loaded onto the plane envisioning all the unwinding that could be cultivated on the 90 minutes trip to Sacramento. The ride was quieting and serene for about an hour until the chief went ahead the radio and reported substantial haze at the air terminal we were to show up at. After that point we flew around for around 20 to 30 minutes until we were coordinated back ho... Free Essays on Narrative Essay As I strolled down the corridor to the back, a solid appalling scent got observable. I strolled further and the odor became more grounded. I nearly couldn’t take it; the smell curved my stomach nearly making me upchuck, however I battled the desire and progressed forward. As I strolled on that’s when I heard it, at first suppressed and afterward more clear, it was cries and howls. It seemed like something was being tormented or killed so as to extricate the last piece of torment from its casualty. I proceeded arriving at the finish of the entry; that’s when I at that point crossed the limit into the primary room just to have my heart torn from my chest and tossed to the floor. Everything I could see was a great many confines of pooches in a portion of the most noticeably terrible conditions I have ever observed. As I wandered into the room the primary thing that leaped out at me were the enclosures, they were little, and had a few canines in every one. The confines were developed of steel fencing on three sides and they were associated with an indistinguishable outside nook through an opening in a mutual square divider. I strolled on and saw that I was beginning to perspire. It was outrageously blistering and awkward in this room; I could just envision how the creatures felt lying on the floor close to the section that was allowing in the blasting inferno of the evening sun. As I forged ahead, I pondered internally, â€Å"They don’t even treat detainees this badly.†Wincing as I needed to pass all the confines I saw that not exclusively were the pens little, overloaded, and forlorn, they were additionally smudged. The appalling scent that had grasped my feeling of smell prior was that of canine pee and fecal matter. The bear solid floors of the confines were canvassed in dried canine pee that in the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay --
There is no doubt that corpulence is a national plague. Insights from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrate almost 36% of U.S. grown-ups over 20 years old were viewed as large in 2009 through 2010, with 18.4% of teenagers following intently behind (Krieter). Be that as it may, while stoutness is a developing issue, marking it as a malady is an imposing way to deal with what is viewed as a direction for living for some American residents. Researchers have made incredible advances in understanding noteworthy natural reasons for corpulence just as recognizing a few hereditary elements that might be involved. Numerous endeavors are currently coordinated toward assessing the cooperations between these elements and seeing how this relationship interactions into significant jobs of the issue. Corpulence is a final product of human reaction to science and the earth. Ongoing theories made by researchers propose that the ebb and flow weight issue is to a great extent because of natural variables, for example, cheap food utilization, TV viewing, and huge segment sizes (Brantley). Americans live in the period of eating undesirable cheap food, and the famous ‘supersizing.’ Television, radio, and print publicizing barrage the populace with allurements to eat food high in calories and fat (Gunderman). Moreover, the physical and mental requests of today’s social orders are perseveringly changing, bringing about uneven vitality admission and utilization. An investigation, distributed in the diary, Pediatrics, stress on explicit natural perspectives on kids and high schooler lives that add to their unfortunate, fat-filled ways of life (Haelle). Analysts found that the connection between expanded TV time and heftiness rates among young people has become more groun ded in the p... ...rtant supporters of corpulence. Put on in body weight can be accomplished through aggregate positive vitality adjusts; these could frame through modifications in vitality consumption or fuel usage and the sorts of the food that the customer eats. The connection between the two variables prompts a positive vitality balance, in the long run transforming into muscle versus fat and weight gain. Be that as it may, while past examinations have discovered an away from between high fat admission and danger of weight the relationship doesn't set up a natural certitude. Further research must be done to frame an all the more clear and solid clarification for the alliance between the hereditary and natural parts of the scourge. While the natural premise of the communication is questionable, social changes in the public eye and the hereditary cosmetics of the human body are plainly huge reasons for stoutness.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Advanced Standing Exams know your stuff, get out of a semester-long class!
Advanced Standing Exams know your stuff, get out of a semester-long class! MIT has A LOT of graduation requirements. Most colleges have some sort of breadth requirement. MIT, being a technical school, has a weighty 8-class humanities minimum (the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciencesâ€"HASSâ€"requirement), PLUS a technical core encompassing introductory biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus (these classes are known as the General Institute Requirementsâ€"GIRs). When looking at MIT, my first thought after learning about these graduation requirements was “But I’ve got a ton of AP credit…won’t I get out of a lot of these these extra intro subjects?†Unfortunately, the answer is no. MIT gives really remarkably, disappointingly horrible AP creditâ€"the worst out of any school I researched when applying. If you score a 5 on Calculus BC, you can get out of 18.01, Single-Variable Calculus. If you score a 5 on both Physics C tests, you can get out of 8.01, Physics Mechanics (you’re still on the hook for Electricity and Magnetism). That’s about it. (Ok, I’m exaggerating a little bit. You can get general unit credit for a lot of other AP tests, and if you score a 5 on English Language or Literature, you don’t have to take an essay evaluation over the summer and you have more choices for introductory humanities classes. But the APs mentioned above are the only ones that let you out of GIRs, and there’s no way to wiggle out of your eight HASS subjects.) This is all really sad, because a lot of high school students work really hard racking up AP credit hoping to pass into more interesting or pertinent courses. Now for the good news: MIT has in place its own, pretty generous system of exams to help you pass out of GIRs whose material you are already comfortable with. These tests are called Advanced Standing Exams (ASEs). An ASE is not quite like a placement test because it doesn’t let you skip lower-level classes, but it instead serves as a quick way of fulfilling the credit for those classes. ASEs are created by the department that runs the course and for the most part approximate a final exam in that class. If you take the ASE, the grade you get on the test stands in for a grade in the corresponding class. On your transcript, it’s as if you took the class and got the grade you scored on the ASE. (However, ASE grades don’t factor into your GPA. For more details, see this page on Grading Policies for ASEs.) Now here’s the really awesome part: because ASEs are treated essentially like normal classes on your transcript, that means that if you’re a freshman on Pass/No Record, ASEs taken during orientation or fall-semester finals are also graded P/NR. This means that as long as you pass the test, you get full credit for having taken the GIR, and it makes absolutely no difference whether you scored a 99% or a 50%. If you fail, no harm done. In fact, if you fail an ASE during orientation, it doesn’t even appear on your internal record. So you have a shot at earning class credit, with very little downside. What I’m saying is that if you’re an incoming freshman to MIT, you should really consider sitting for some ASEs. Coming into MIT, I heard some strong words of caution against ASEs. A lot of people warn against trying to pass out of subjects willy-nilly, because it is important to have a firm background in the core subjects to succeed in later classes. That’s true, but I wanted to give the other side of the argument. If there is a subject you are really comfortable with, or one that you doubt will be of much relevance to you in your major, I think it makes sense to try and skip out of it, for these reasons: 1. It’s efficient (and effective). You can brush up or study for a class over the summer and get out of a whole semester of work (including problem sets!). Take it from someone who at this point has done her fair share of problem sets: that’s a good deal. Also, I think it’s important to mention that the ASEs are not easy. They are challenging and in-depthâ€"some of them can be harder than the final for the corresponding class. You’ll be seeing things like metallic molecular orbital diagrams in Chemistry and rocket problems involving differential analysis in Physics. If you can pass the ASE, you actually do have a pretty good grasp of the material. 2. It saves you money. MIT is expensive. You should use your tuition dollars on classes that are important and interesting to you. Especially considering that for a lot of the GIR classes, the material is available online in full, for free (keep reading for more info). 3. You get more flexibility in your schedule. Having a couple extra free units in your schedule can be a real relief. It can let you explore some different subjects if you’re trying to figure out what to major in. It can give you more room to minor or double-major or graduate early. 4. You can take cooler or more relevant classes If you don’t have to take intro chemistry, you can take something cool instead! If you know that you’re going to be a mechanical engineer, and you never want to see biology again, it makes much more sense to pass out of bio and get a head start on differential equations, or have room for an advanced Mech-E class later on. Plus, if you’re a freshman and you don’t have to take GIRs first semester, that means you can take harder or unfamiliar classes on Pass/No Record. 5. They feed you breakfast. On the day of the test. Just thought I would mention it ? 6. You have nothing to lose. Except for the three hours spent actually taking the testwhich is really small change considering the benefits. Coming into MIT, I knew that I wanted to ASE out of as many classes as I could. The opportunity to get out of a semester-long class by taking a test was too much of a gift to pass up. After studying over the summer, I sat for Biology, Physics (Mechanics), and Chemistry. I passed Bio and Chem but failed Physics :( I knew/remembered very little from high school about the three exams, so I taught myself most of the material over the summer. Thankfully, MIT has posted almost all the materials (lecture videos, homework, past exams, worksheets, etc.) from its courses, especially Bio and Chem, online at MIT Open Course Ware. While studying for the tests, I basically took the corresponding MIT course online. (In fact, sometimes I catch myself saying I took MIT bio, even though I studied for the class completley virtually.) I took studying seriously, scheduling myself carefully and committing two/three days per week to it over the summer. For your reference, here’s a breakdown of the classes I studied for. As of 2014, pass rates for the various ASEs. Credit to The Tech for the diagram. It should be noted that this year (2015), pass rates for the ASEsespecially Biology and Chemistrywent up significantly. Biology (7.012) I decided to study for bio because it had a pretty high pass rate out of the tests I was considering and it is more conceptual than quantitative, and I have an easier time self-studying conceptual subjects. I didn’t take AP Bio in high school but was able to review the remarkably thorough MIT OCW class online in three weeks. I watched all the lectures, did all the homework, and took the practice final at the end to see if I would pass. I also bought the (old) textbook associated with the OCW version of the course on ebay for $5, but I only used it a little bit. In fact, studying for biology was often a pleasure, largely owing to the delightful lectures of Professor Eric Lander, who through his enthusiasm made me excited about everything from primers to dead mice. *Side note: MIT biology is really different from high school biology, and even though I reviewed materials online, it made me a lot more interested in a subject I thought I had no interest inâ€"might be worth checking it o ut even if you already dominated bio in high school. Physics (8.01) Physics was less of a pleasure because it came less naturally to me and the materials on OCW are less complete and cohesive. For instance, no lectures are available through OCW (though if you look hard enough you can find some elsewhere on the Internet wink wink). Even though I took Physics B in high school, I spent 4-5 irritating weeks working problems over the summer in a frequent state of confusion and dismay, which culminated in me not passing the test. However, the test is definitely doable. I took 8.01, Classical Mechanics, first semester, and even though I didn’t pass the ASE, having studied for it made the class much easier. My lecturer (Professor Dourmashkin) was an amazing teacher and did a wonderful job making problem-solving organized and methodological, which helped me a lot, so I was able to put physics on the back burner and focus on other classes and extracurriculars. Chemistry (5.111) In the last two weeks of summer break, I decided last-minute to see if I could cram Chemistry. Chem is a notoriously hard ASE, largely I think because it covers concepts that are not touched on in AP Chemistry and has intense time pressure. However, the materials online are complete and include fill-in-the-blank style notes, which made note-taking for the course very fast. I spent two weeks spending almost every day in Starbucks watching Chem lectures and doing problems…during which time I enjoyed splendid people-watching, got asked out by a complete stranger, and irritated countless patrons by hogging the corner table. (I think I could write a blog post just on a “Portrait of a West Hills Starbucksâ€). If you’re thinking of studying for ASEs, I suggest you choose your tests carefully based on your previous exposure, what kind of knowledge you are best at learning/retaining, and how hard the tests are. I’m really glad I passed out of Chem and Bio. Because my schedule is more open, I was able to take 18.03 (Differential Equationsâ€"a requirement for Computer Science and a lot of other majors) on Pass/No Record, which is great because otherwise I probably would have had a nervous breakdown at some point during the course. This semester, I was able to take 6.s04 (now 6.009), a beginning software engineering class, in addition to 6.01, the introductory EECS class. Being able to take that extra computer science class second semester was invaluable. I got a lot more comfortable with coding a lot quicker and was able to get a software internship over the summer, which will give me even more experience. On top of that, I’m now done with all my GIRs, whereas some other freshmen had to make a choice between not taking any classes in their prospective major or deferring an introductory bio or chem class (probably until senior year). In summary: ASEing out of subjects was a really good decision for me, and its a really good option for incoming students. I know a lot of people who wished they had taken more ASEs; I dont know anyone who regrets sitting for one. That’s pretty much all I have to say about ASEs! You can find more information about specific tests on the department websites below: Biology Physics Chemistry Math Computer Science And feel free to comment with questions or shoot me an email if you have questions about specific tests!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Quality Assessment Methods In The Medical Field - 550 Words
The Significance Of Technology And Quality Assessment Methods In The Medical Field (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Course:Tutor:Date:The significance of Technology and Quality Assessment Methods in the Medical Field.Patient care technology has turned out to be more and more complex; changing the approach nursing attention is speculated and provided. Formerly, wide use of technology, most nurses depended mostly on their minds and insight to follow up the patient status and to notice alterations. Technology has the potential to improve care. Technology has also been designated as an equal measure of the difficulties and portion of the analysis for better fitness maintenance. The technologies employed by doctors or specialists provide the ways for avoiding mistakes and contrary happenings such as medication blunders, miscommunications, disruptions during cure, and divergent occasions such as failing to release, sores, and also problems of inflexibility. Some of these quality assessment methods include:Long Case method which comprises usage of a non-standardized patient. This met hod may offer a distinctive prospect to test the doctors responsibilities and interaction with the patient. Also, Objective Structured Clinical examination (OSCE) consists of several stations where every applicant is enquired to execute a definite undertaking such as taking a rigorous history or executing a focused clinical inspection of a specific method. Also, Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX) is an assessment measure established by American Board of Internal Medicine to evaluate six core abilities of populations: therapeutic cross-examining skills, physical investigation skills, humanistic potentials/expertise, clinical findings, counseling abilities, organization, and effectiveness. The other method of assessment is Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) which is a designed as a rating measure for evaluating and providing a response to applied techniques. The capabilities that are normally evaluated include general information about the system, conversant cons ent, pre-procedure planning, and communication. (Patterson, 2006)Technologies such as the use of mobile phones enhanced self-monitoring of physiological metrics or substitutions of traditional laboratory tests. Patient online services can either be, a patient having contact to their medical record, being able to observe or make remarks on their electronic health record (EHR) or interactions among people to make a specific response to a problem, with your consultant or another healthcare employee. This can be over email or a web entry. The doctors are also able to converse with their patients at a faster rate not only in hospitals but also outside of the hospitals hence able to follow up the health-wise progress of their patients. These technologies help patients access their doctors medical notes which will lead to better health management (Simon et al. 2016). Patients or consumers having access to this diagnostic information and access to electronic health records encourages under standing their attitude which is beneficial before confirmation can occur prior to any widespread possible clinical implementation.Use of computers enables storing of abundant volumes of data in a fast and tranquil approach. Helps to grasp fully all of the informa...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Critique of Benthams Quantitative Utilitarianism
Over time, the actions of mankind have been the victim of two vague labels, right and wrong. The criteria for these labels are not clearly defined, but they still seem to be the standard by which the actions of man are judged. There are some people that abide by a deontological view when it comes to judging the nature of actions; the deontological view holds that it is a persons intention that makes an action right or wrong. On the other hand there is the teleological view which holds that it is the result of an action is what makes that act right or wrong. In this essay I will be dealing with utilitarianism, a philosophical principle that holds a teleological view when it comes the nature of actions. To solely discuss utilitarianism is†¦show more content†¦The interest of the community is said to be a sum of the total interests of its several members. It is never specified what how exactly this total is acquired or even if the members of the community would agree on whateve r is considered the communitys interest. If the members would agree then that means that everyone in the community had the same interest to begin with. If the members would not agree, then how can you go about adding up their conflicting interests? These interests, when attempting to get a total seem like they would cancel each other out which wouldnt make for much of sum total. Things of this nature (individual interests) are so relative that it would be impossible as well as pointless to even try to place any kind of concrete value, which brings up another point. What kind of value are these individual and community interests supposed to have? In order to add things up they must have some sort of value. Because of Benthams failure to offer some sort of method for combining individuals interests and since he failed to offer some sort of concrete value for these abstract things, his perspective on the interest of the community remains unclear to me. The second issue that I am going to take up lies in Benthams method of calculating the general tendency of an act that affects a communitys interest. For starters, the process itself is tooShow MoreRelated Critique Of Benthams Quantitative Utilitarianism Essay1764 Words  | 8 Pageswrong. In this essay I will be dealing with utilitarianism, a philosophical principle that holds a teleological view when it comes the nature of actions. To solely discuss utilitarianism is much too broad of topic and must be broken down, so I will discuss specifically quantitative utilitarianism as presented by Jeremy Bentham. In this essay I will present the argument of Bentham supporting his respective form of utilitarianism and I will give my critique of this argument along the way. BeforeRead More Immanuel Kants Ethics Of Pure Duty and John Stuart Mills Utilitarian Ethics Of Justice2753 Words  | 12 PagesMetaphysics of Morals and John Stuart Mills Utilitarianism Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill are philosophers who addressed the issues of morality in terms of how moral traditions are formed. Immanuel Kant has presented one viewpoint in The Grounding For The Metaphysics of Morals that is founded on his belief that the worth of man is inherent in his ability to reason. John Stuart Mill holds another opinion as presented in the book, Utilitarianism that is seemingly in contention with the thoughtsRead MoreVictorian Literature Essay2858 Words  | 12 PagesVictorian era was Utilitarianism. â€Å"The greatest good for the greatest number†was Jeremy Bentham, the eighteenth century philosopher’s theory, centred on the belief that logic and reason should be applied to life for the welfare of the majority of Victorian society. However, what Bentham failed to notice, was that this factual and quantitative ideology, forced society to make actions without considering their own individual happiness thus leading to Dickens critique of utilitarianism. The transitionRead MoreEthics and Social Responsibility Essay9502 Words  | 39 PagesMiami football players. This paper will examine the various legal and ethical implications involved in this case, including an analysis of the university’s social responsibility, and an overview of the scandal in terms of three ethical theories: utilitarianism, Kant’s categorical imperative, and ethical relativism. Table of Contents I. Introduction (Stephanie) A. Purposes of Paper * Analytical paper - â€Å"3 value†analysis of law, ethics, and social responsibility * Current, controversial
Monday, May 18, 2020
Names of Occupations and Job Titles in Spanish
Chances are that when you start talking with native Spanish speakers, one of the first things youll talk about is your jobs or occupationsâ€â€or what you hope to do someday. Heres a guide to talking about occupations in Spanish along with a list of the most common types of jobs. List of Occupational Names Many of the job titles below seem familiar, as many are English cognates, having come from Latin. Keep in mind, though, that in a few cases the meanings in similar-sounding titles dont always line up exactly, sometimes because of cultural differences. A secondary-school teacher in Latin America, for example, might be known as a profesor, while in the United States, at least, the word professor is used primarily at the university level. In this list, the masculine forms are given. The feminine forms are given following a slash (/) in cases where they dont follow the rules above. Note also that different words may be used in some areas, or for certain specialties. Accountantâ€â€contador, contableActor/actressâ€â€actor/actrizAdministratorâ€â€administradorAmbassadorâ€â€embajadorArchaeologistâ€â€arqueà ³logoArchitectâ€â€arquitectoArtistâ€â€artistaAthleteâ€â€atleta, deportistaAttorneyâ€â€abogadoBakerâ€â€panaderoBarberâ€â€barberoBartenderâ€â€mesero, cantineroBeauticianâ€â€esteticistaBiologistâ€â€bià ³logoBusinessman/businesswomanâ€â€hombre/mujer de negocios, empresarioButcherâ€â€carniceroCaptainâ€â€capità ¡nCarpenterâ€â€carpinteroChemist (pharmacist) armacà ©uticoChemist (scientist)â€â€quà micoChief executive officerâ€â€director generalClerk (office worker)â€â€oficinistaClerk (retail worker)â€â€dependienteCoach ntrenadorComputer programmerâ€â€programadorCookâ€â€cocineroDancer bailarà n/bailarinaDentistâ€â€dentistaDoctor, physicianâ€â€mà ©dicoDriverâ€â€conductorEditorâ€â€redactorElectricianâ€â€electrici staEngineerâ€â€ingenieroFarmerâ€â€agricultor, granjeroFirefighterâ€â€bomberoFlorist floristaGeologist geà ³logoGuardâ€â€guardiaHotelier, innkeeperâ€â€hoteleroJewelerâ€â€joyeroJournalistâ€â€cronistaKing/queenâ€â€rey/reinaLandlordâ€â€dueà ±oLawyerâ€â€abogadoLibrarianâ€â€bibliotecarioMail carrierâ€â€carteroMechanicâ€â€mecà ¡nicoMidwifeâ€â€comadronaMinister (politics)â€â€ministroMinister (church)â€â€pastorModelâ€â€modelo (no separate feminine form)Musicianâ€â€mà ºsicoNurse nfermeroOptometristâ€â€optà ³metraPainterâ€â€pintorPharmacistâ€â€farmacà ©uticoPilotâ€â€piloto (separate feminine form rarely used)Poetâ€â€poetaPresidentâ€â€presidente/presidentaProfessorâ€â€profesor, catedrà ¡ticoPsychologistâ€â€sicolà ³gicoRabbiâ€â€rabinoSailorâ€â€marineroSalesman/saleswomanâ€â€dependiente, vendedorScientistâ€â€cientà ficoSecretaryâ€â€secretari oServantâ€â€criadoSocial workerâ€â€asistente socialSoldierâ€â€soldadoStudentâ€â€estudianteSurgeonâ€â€cirujanoTeacherâ€â€maestro, profesorTherapistâ€â€terapeutaVeterinaryâ€â€veterinarioWaiterâ€â€camarero, meseroWelderâ€â€soldadorWriterâ€â€escritor Grammar of Occupations Gender One matter of some confusion can be the gender of the occupational names. In many cases, the same word is used to refer to a man as to a woman. For example, a male dentist is el dentista, while a female dentist is la dentista. In some cases, there are distinct forms, such as el carpintero for a male carpenter and la carpintera for a female carpenter. In many cases, both forms can be used to refer to a female. For example, the boss is el jefe if hes male, but either la jefe or la jefa if shes female, depending on the region and, sometimes, whos speaking. Similarly, la mà ©dica is used to refer to a female doctor in some areas, but in other areas la mà ©dico is used and/or might be considered more respectful. In nearly all cases, using la with the masculine form is the safer choice if youre not sure of local usage. Otherwise, the feminine form of the occupations ending in -o are formed by changing the -o to an -a. Occupations that end in -dor are changed to -dora for the feminine. Occupation names that already end in -a are the same in masculine or feminine. Use of the Indefinite Article Unlike English, Spanish does not use the indefinite articleâ€â€a or an in English, and un or una in Spanishâ€â€when specifying someones occupation: No soy marinero; soy capità ¡n. (I am not a sailor; I am a captain.)Mi madre es profesor de ciencia. (My mother is a science teacher.)Felipe Calderà ³n era presidente de Mà ©xico. (Felipe Calderà ³n was president of Mexico.)Se hizo actriz extraodrinaria. (She became an extraordinary actress.) However, the article can be used in other situations, such as when talking about an occupation in general: Un actor es una persona que interpreta un papel. (An actor is a person who plays a role.)El juez condenà ³ a un dentista por hacer extracciones innecesarias. (The judge sentenced a dentist for performing unnecessary extractions.) ¿De dà ³nde saca la inspiracià ³n un escritor? (Where does a writer get inspiration from?) Some occupation names can be used in ways characterize actions rather than referring to occupation, in which case the article can be used. Todos sabà an que el despota era un carcinero psicopà ¡tico. (Everyone knew the dictator was a psychopathic butcher).Mi moto es un psicolà ³gico, y la velocidad mi terapia. (My motorcycle is a psychologist, and speed my therapy.) Key Takeaways Many occupations names in Spanish are similar to those of English because they both come from Latin.The indefinite article (un or una) is not typically used when referring to someones occupation.Separate feminine and masculine forms exist for the names of some occupations, although their use varies across regions.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay about Informative Synthesis Fairy Tales - 930 Words
Informative Synthesis Fairy tales play a big role in society whether we realize it or not. They have been told by parents to their children for many generations. Everyone has been introduced to fairy tales whether it’s on TV, from a children’s book, told by someone else, we have all heard a fairy tale. Most of the time fairy tales are being told without thinking what they are about. Fairy tales have effect on people even if they do not know it, and four fairy tale analyzers have written articles discussing it. â€Å"What Fairy Tales Tell Us†by Alison Lurie discuses about how the individual reader is affected by the messages of a fairy tale. Bruno Bettelheim’s â€Å"The Struggle for Meaning†expresses his thoughts on how fairy tales have an†¦show more content†¦Bettelheim generalizes fairy tales as if they are all the same, Lurie talks about the different types of fairy tales and points out their differences. Even though Bettelheim and Lur ie have different opinions they both have similar beliefs on perceiving information and using it throughout your everyday life. Both Lurie and Bettelheim have a common theme of finding the deeper meaning in fairy tales and they use similar terminology. The feel of Lurie’s article says that fairy tales help reiterate the truth that is already known and children should be shown these things, and Bettelheim that fairy tales informs that bad experiences happen and they are normal. In Max Luthi’s article â€Å"The Fairy-Tale Hero: The Image of the Man in the Fairy Tale†he focuses on the human experience fairy tales. Luthi says that the way that women are influence, men are as well. Luthi also focuses on how the role changed from men to women in fairy tales. Luthi names many female figures and calls the heroes in the story and does not question oppressive issues. In Karen Rowe’s article â€Å"Feminism and Fairy Tales†she talks about the traditional role of women, and focuses on how women fit into the role in society. Rowe also talks about the cultural approval between women and the choices they make. Rowe focuses in a lot on gothic romance and marriage. As Luthi does not question oppressive issues, Rowe focuses on some of the same tales that Luthi names, but finds oppressive qualities toShow MoreRelatedEnglish Proverbs and Sayings8785 Words  | 36 PagesEnglish proverbs and sayings Our hypothesis is that English proverbs and sayings can be widely used in teaching different aspects of the language. In this work we used different research methods, such as scientific cognition methods (analysis and synthesis), empirical methods (comparison). We think that the information acquired during the research is useful for learning and understanding the essence of proverbs and sayings and their role in communication; it develops language competence and encouragesRead MorePeculiarities of Euphemisms in English and Difficulties in Their Translation19488 Words  | 78 Pages The main methods of research are descriptive, comparative, the method of analysis and synthesis. But we consider that the study of euphemisms is impossible without using contextual-logical analysis. CHAPTER I. THE NOTION OF EUPHEMISMS IN ENGLISH I.1. Definition of Euphemisms Euphemisms come from a Greek word meaning toRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words  | 316 Pagesshould be studied separately. 2 Notes Toward a Phenomenology of the Narrative The study of narrative1 is presently enjoying the interest of several scholars of the structuralist persuasion. Following Vladimir Propp s famous work on Russian folk tales and Claude Là ©vi-Strauss s writings on myths, various models for the analysis of the narrativeâ€â€or, depending on the case, of specific narrativesâ€â€have been suggested (Algirdas Julien Greimas, Roland Barthes, Claude Brà ©mond, Communications no. 8, etcRead MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words  | 696 Pagestourists is an example of ________ marketing. A) event B) property C) service D) place E) idea Answer: D Page Ref: 6 Objective: 2 AACSB: Analytic skills Difficulty: Moderate 10) In Walt Disneys Magic Kingdom, customers can visit a fairy kingdom, a pirate ship, or even a haunted house. Disney is marketing a(n) ________. A) experience B) service C) event D) organization E) good Answer: A Page Ref: 6 Objective: 2 AACSB: Analytic skills Difficulty: Easy 11) Janet is very
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Industrial Sociology - 2647 Words
1st chapter ( industrial sociology ) Introduction Industrial socio is a comparatively new term which gained popularly about the middle of the 20st Century. An independent branch of the Science of Sociology, the history of the industrial sociology has been traced to trade studies introduced by Elton Mayo and his associate between 1924 -32: Thus Elton Mayo; a known sociologist has been identified as the father of Industrial socio. Meaning The term’ industrial sociology includes two terms industry and sociology. ‘The term Industrial means concerning the industry. The word industry is derived from the Latin word industrial which means resourcefulness Definition According to Miller and form Industrial sociology is a substantive†¦show more content†¦* The family headed by the father or master and helped usually by its members and acquaintances worked the raw materials which the master himself had acquired, and sold the finished goods to the customers. * More often work was performed at home and usually the productive process became a family affair. In it craftsman was a domestic worker. * The worker was his own master although there was no abundance, there was spontaneity and freedom. * The worker in the putting-out system usually owned his tools which in all events were simple and inexpensive, perhaps a loom or two. * The only classes in the putting-out system were workers or entire families of workers, on the one hand; and merchant entrepreneur, on the other. * The two were related in a cash nexus, while the worker received wages from the merchant, the entrepreneur received the completed product from the worker. * The sole obligati ons of the merchant and the worker to each other were contractual. * As time went on, demand also increased and the domestic worker could not cope with this as he had only limited resources. * It was the entrepreneur who lent money, raw material and at times even the tools, received the products or tools themselves in mortgage or finally bought them, while the former master or worker continued to work on it as a salaried hand. * Thus, the transition from independent artisanship to proletariat, where the working man wasShow MoreRelatedThe Internal Production Spaces Of Large Cities1177 Words  | 5 PagesThis same logic leads not just towards generalized urban agglomeration but to the emergence of multiple dense industrial districts within the metropolis. The internal production spaces of large cities are composed of mosaics of particular kinds of industrial land use focused on localized nodal clusters comprising activities that range from manufacturing to office and service functi ons. For example, gun and jewellery manufacturing in Birmingham, England; footwear industry of East London; clothingRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution705 Words  | 3 PagesThe Industrial Revolution was the quintessence of capitalistic ideals; it bred controversy that led to Karl Marx’s idea of communism as a massive grass roots reaction to the revolution’s social abuses. Firstly, the Industrial Revolution featured the construction of machines, systems and factories that allowed goods to be manufactured at a faster rate with a lower cost. The seed drill made it so there could be â€Å"a semi-automated, controlled distribution and plantation of wheat seed†(Jones 2013). SecondlyRead MoreSouth Africa: Battling Unemployment. QUESTION 1 1.1) Unemployment: Occurs when those people who are1000 Words  | 4 Pagesworkforce that has been already organised into a trade union as well as the dealing between management and workers about employment conditions. SYSTEM APPROACH Dunlop’s 1958 formation of the Industrial Relations System happened at the same time with similar approaches in political sciences, international relations, sociology, etc. The system approach made an effort to achieve and to establish a general theory/framework of IR and gives a general review which has influenced ER thinking. Its generality makesRead MoreChanges During The Industrial Revolution1796 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction There were many social forces that were at work that led to the emergence of Sociology in the late 18th and early 19th century. Some of these include: the industrial revolution, the French revolution, the Enlightenment and the Counter-Enlightenment. This essay will discuss: the changes in the conditions of labour during the industrial revolution; the ideological revolution, strengthening of the state, nationalism and revolutionary terror in the French revolution; radical changes to theRead MoreHow the Industrial Revolution Affected the World Essay792 Words  | 4 PagesThe Industrial Revolution was the main contributor of the development of factories and modern day machinery. The Industrial Revolution created hundreds of new jobs, influenced many new inventions, and created many new ways of creating and transporting goods. Many jobs including spinners, miners, factory workers, and farmers were beginning to rise in population, due to the new technology being created in the 18th and 19th centuries. The start of new inventions coming into view was beginning in BritainRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Technology on Society1697 Words  | 7 Pagesanother type calls themselves Neo-Luddites, such as Kirkpatrick Sale. In his book Human scale, Sale describes the slow rotting of the stones of the Parthenon and other ancient monuments to civilization from the acid pollution developed by our present Industrial civilization and compares it to the slow disintegration our industrialized society has seemed to have undergone. He identifies effects of technology which have been harmful to the human condition and the environment, but seems to not quite getRead MoreDesign and Culture1363 Words  | 6 Pages tried to obey .  Key Words:  Cultureï ¼Å'aestheticï ¼Å'imperfectï ¼Å'confidence        Now that Design is understood from Tokyo to Moscow, from Buenos Aires to Montreal, it is obvious that each country according to its politics, its economics, its sociology, its industry, uses Design in a different way; but one must add that a universal language is being constructed daily.      The word culture is used throughout the text in its most democratic sense, that is, as a concept which embraces the Read MoreThe Dilemma Of Childhood And Child Labor837 Words  | 4 Pagesconstantly being argued in overseas and domestic sociological literature. Anthropologists and Sociologists through the time have observed the history and the impact of social institutions on child labor. Professionals researching in the field of sociology of economics and labor by examining the incentive and value orientations of children and teenagers in the labor force, their principles and working conditions, and their outlook towards work and its efficiency. The harmful effects of the environmentRead MoreIndustrialization During The Industrial Revolution913 Words  | 4 PagesTo begin with, the Industrial Revolution above all period of history increased the border amongst the wealthy and the underprivileged. As a result of building trust on companies to play a role in income, Capitalism was consequently determinedly renowned as the existing economy that we still customized until this day. What is Industrialization? Industrialization is described as the development of modifying from an agriculture and artisanal social and economic system to an industrialized program. ThisRead MoreWhat Changes in the Organisation of Time, Space and Discipline Are Associated with the Emergence of Modern Industrial Work?1735 Words  | 7 PagesWhat changes in the organisation of time, space and discipline are associated with the emergence of modern industrial work? Word Count: 1620 This essay will discuss the changes that occurred in the organisation of time, space and discipline, as a result of the emergence of modern industrial work, whereby society relied upon the use of science, technology and ultimately mechanisation to produce its goods and services. The transition of home based independent work to working for a boss in a
Blood Promise Chapter Twenty-One Free Essays
Dimitri didn’t elaborate. I was too startled by his words and the rest of the night’s events to even know how to begin to address them. He took me back inside, past the Strigoi on guard duty, and upstairs to my suite. We will write a custom essay sample on Blood Promise Chapter Twenty-One or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nathan was no longer outside. For a few brief moments, that nagging voice in my head spoke loudly enough to break through my addled thoughts. If I had no guard in the hall and Inna returned soon, I had a very good chance of threatening her enough to get out of here. Admittedly, that would mean I’d have to deal with a house of God only knew how many Strigoi, but my escape odds were better in the house than in this room. Then, almost as soon as those thoughts appeared, they vanished. Dimitri snaked his arm around me and pulled me to him. It had been chilly outside, and even if his body was cold, his clothes and jacket provided some warmth. I snuggled closer to him as his hands ran all over me. I thought he was going to bite me, but it was our mouths that met, hard and furious. I wrapped my fingers in his hair, trying to pull him closer to me. Meanwhile, his fingers were running against my bare leg, pushing my skirt up almost to my hip. Anticipation and eagerness lit every part of my body. I had dreamed about the cabin for so long, remembering it with so much longing. I’d never expected anything like that to happen again, but now it could, and I was astonished at how badly I wanted it. My hands moved down to his shirt, undoing all the buttons so that I could touch his chest. His skin still felt like ice, a startling contrast to the burning within me. He moved his lips from mine, down to my neck and shoulder, pushing down the dress’s strap as he covered my flesh with hungry kisses. His hand was still on the side of my bare hip, and I frantically tried to pull his shirt off altogether. Suddenly, with a surprising abruptness, he jerked away and shoved me down. At first, I thought it was just more of the foreplay between us, until I realized he was purposely pushing me away. â€Å"No,†he said, voice hard. â€Å"Not yet. Not until you’re awakened.†â€Å"Why?†I asked desperately. I couldn’t think of anything except him touching me-and, well, another bite. â€Å"Why does it matter? Is there†¦ is there a reason we can’t?†Until I’d come here, sex with a Strigoi had never occurred to me†¦maybe it just wasn’t possible. He leaned toward me, putting his lips near my ear. â€Å"No, but it’ll be so much better if you’re awakened. Let me do it†¦ let me do it, and then we can do anything we want†¦Ã¢â‚¬ It was a bargaining chip, I realized vaguely. He wanted me-it was written all over him-but he was using the lure of sex to get me to give in. And honestly? I was this close to accepting. My body was overriding my mind-nearly. â€Å"No,†I whimpered. â€Å"I†¦ I’m scared†¦Ã¢â‚¬ That dangerous look softened, and while he didn’t exactly look like the Dimitri from before, there was something a little less Strigoi about him. â€Å"Rose, do you think I’d do anything that would hurt you?†Somewhere, hadn’t there been a discussion about how my options were to turn or die? The latter seemed like it might hurt, but I didn’t mention that just now. â€Å"The bite†¦ the turning would hurt†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I told you: It’ll be just like what we’ve already done. You’ll enjoy it. It won’t hurt, I swear it.†I looked away. Damn it. Why couldn’t he still be sinister and scary? It was so much easier to put my foot down and resist. Even in the heat of passion, I was able to resist. But somehow†¦ seeing him like this, calm and reasonable†¦ well, it was too close to the Dimitri I’d loved. And that was hard to turn away from. For the first time, it made turning Strigoi seem†¦ not so bad. â€Å"I don’t know,†I said lamely. He released me and sat up, frustration filling his features. It was almost a relief. â€Å"Galina’s patience is running out. So is mine.†â€Å"You said we still have time†¦ I just need to think more†¦Ã¢â‚¬ How long could I use that excuse? The narrowing of his eyes told me not much longer. â€Å"I have to go,†he said harshly. There would be no more touching or kissing, I could tell. â€Å"I need to deal with some things.†â€Å"I’m sorry,†I said, both confused and afraid. I didn’t know which Dimitri I wanted. The terrifying one, the sensual one, or the almost-but still not quite-gentle one. He said nothing. Without any other warning, he leaned down and bit into the tender skin of my throat. Whatever feeble escape strategies I had were gone. I closed my eyes, nearly falling over, and only his arm wrapped firmly around me kept me upright. Just like when we kissed, his mouth was warm against my flesh, and the feel of his tongue and teeth sent electricity through me. And like that, it was over. He pulled away, licking his lips as he still continued to hold onto me. The fog was back. The world was wonderful and happy and I was without any cares. Whatever he’d been worrying about with Nathan and Galina meant nothing to me. The fear I’d felt moments ago†¦ my disappointment over sex†¦ my confusion-I didn’t have time to worry about any of that, not when life was so beautiful and I loved Dimitri so much. I smiled up at him and tried to hug him again, but he was already leading me to the couch. â€Å"I’ll see you later.†In a flash, he was at the door, which saddened me. I wanted him to stay. Stay forever. â€Å"Remember, I want you-and I would never let anything bad happen to you. I’ll protect you. But†¦ I can’t wait much longer.†With that, he left. His words made me smile more broadly. Dimitri wanted me. Vaguely, I recalled asking him outside why he wanted me. Why on earth had I asked? What answer had I wanted? Why did it matter? He wanted me. That was what counted. That thought and the wonderful endorphin rush enveloped me as I lay on the couch, and I felt drowsiness overtaking me. Walking over to the bed seemed like too much work, so I stayed where I was and just let sleep come. And, unexpectedly, I found myself in one of Adrian’s dreams. I’d pretty much given up on him. After my first desperate attempts at escape in the suite, I’d finally convinced myself that Adrian wasn’t coming back, that I’d sent him away for good. Yet here he was, standing right in front of me-or, well, at least his dream version was. Often we were in the woods or a garden, but today we stood where we’d first met, on the porch of an Idaho ski lodge. Sun shone down, and mountains soared off to the side of us. I grinned broadly. â€Å"Adrian!†I didn’t think I’d ever seen him look as surprised as he did just then. Considering how mean I usually was to him, I could understand his feelings. â€Å"Hello, Rose,†he said. His voice sounded uncertain, like he was worried I might be playing a trick on him. â€Å"You look good today,†I told him. It was true. He wore dark jeans and a printed button-down shirt in shades of navy and turquoise that looked fantastic with his dark green eyes. Those eyes, however, looked weary. Worn. That was a little odd. In these dreams, he could shape the world and even our appearances to what he wanted, with only a little effort. He could have looked perfect but instead appeared to be reflecting real-world fatigue. â€Å"So do you.†His voice was still wary, as he eyed me from head to toe. I was still in the clingy sundress, my hair down and loose, the sapphires around my neck. â€Å"That looks like something I’d normally dress you in. Are you asleep in that?†â€Å"Yup.†I smoothed down the dress’s skirt, thinking how pretty it looked. I wondered if Dimitri had liked it. He hadn’t said so specifically, but he had kept telling me I was beautiful. â€Å"I didn’t think you’d come back.†â€Å"I didn’t think I would either.†I looked back up at him. He wasn’t like his usual self at all. â€Å"Are you trying to figure out where I am again?†â€Å"No, I don’t care about that anymore.†He sighed. â€Å"The only thing I care about is that you aren’t here. You have to come back, Rose.†I crossed my arms and flounced onto the porch’s railing. â€Å"Adrian, I’m not ready for anything romant-â€Å" â€Å"Not for me,†he exclaimed. â€Å"For her. You have to come back for Lissa. That’s why I’m here.†â€Å"Lissa†¦Ã¢â‚¬ My waking self was pumped full of endorphins, and it carried over here. I tried to remember why I should be so worried about Lissa. Adrian took a step forward and studied me carefully. â€Å"Yeah, you know, Lissa? Your best friend? The one you’re bonded to and sworn to protect?†I swung my legs back and forth. â€Å"I never made any vows.†â€Å"What the hell’s the matter with you?†I didn’t like his agitated tone. It was ruining my good mood. â€Å"What’s the matter with you?†â€Å"You aren’t acting like yourself. Your aura†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He frowned, unable to continue. I laughed. â€Å"Oh yes. Here it comes. The magical, mystical aura. Let me guess. It’s black, right?†â€Å"No†¦ it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He continued scrutinizing me for several heavy seconds. â€Å"I can barely get a fix on it. It’s all over the place. What’s going on, Rose? What’s happening in the waking world?†â€Å"Nothing’s happening,†I said. â€Å"Nothing except me being happy for the first time in my life. Why are you acting weird all of a sudden? You used to be fun. Figures the first time I’m finally having a good time, you go all boring and strange.†He knelt down in front of me, no trace of humor anywhere. â€Å"There’s something wrong with you. I can’t tell what-â€Å" â€Å"I told you, I’m fine. Why do you have to keep coming and trying to ruin things for me?†True, I’d desperately wanted him to come a little while ago, but now†¦ well, that wasn’t so important. I had a good thing with Dimitri here, if only I could figure out how to solve all the not-so-good parts. â€Å"I told you, I’m not here for me. I’m here for Lissa.†He looked up at me, wide-eyed and earnest. â€Å"Rose, I am begging you to come home. Lissa needs you. I don’t know what’s wrong, and I don’t know how to help her. No one else does either. I think†¦ I think only you can. Maybe being apart is what’s hurting her. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with you now, why you’re acting so weird. Come home. Please. We’ll heal both of you. We’ll all figure it out together. She’s acting so strange. She’s reckless and doesn’t care about anything.†I shook my head. â€Å"Being away isn’t what’s wrong with me. Probably not what’s wrong with her, either. If she’s really worried about spirit, she should go back on her meds.†â€Å"She’s not worried; that’s the problem. Damn it.†He stood up and began pacing. â€Å"What’s wrong with you two? Why can’t either of you see there’s something the matter?†â€Å"Maybe it’s not us,†I said. â€Å"Maybe it’s you imagining things.†Adrian turned back toward me and looked me over again. â€Å"No. It’s not me.†I didn’t like any of this-not his tone, expression, or words. I’d been excited to see him, but now I resented him ruining my good mood. I didn’t want to think about any of this. It was too hard. â€Å"Look,†I said. â€Å"I was happy to see you tonight but not anymore, not if you’re going to sit and accuse me and make demands.†â€Å"I’m not trying to do that.†His voice was gentle-the anger was gone. â€Å"The last thing I want is to make you unhappy. I care about you. I care about Lissa, too. I want you both to be happy and live your lives like you want†¦ but not when you’re both heading down destructive paths.†He almost made sense. Almost seemed reasonable and sincere. I shook my head. â€Å"Stay out of it. I’m where I want to be, and I’m not coming back. Lissa’s on her own.†I jumped off the rail. The world swirled a little, and I stumbled. Adrian caught my hand, and I jerked away. â€Å"I’m fine.†â€Å"You are not. Jesus Christ. I’d swear you’re drunk, except†¦ the aura’s still not right for that. What is it?†He ran his hands through his dark hair. It was his typical sign of agitation. â€Å"I’m done here,†I said, trying to be as polite as possible. Why on earth had I wanted to see him again? It had seemed so important when I first arrived. â€Å"Send me back, please.†He opened his mouth to say something, then froze a few moments. â€Å"What’s on your neck?†He reached forward, and addled or no, I managed to dodge pretty efficiently. I had no idea what he saw on my neck, and I had no interest in finding out. â€Å"Don’t touch me.†â€Å"Rose, that looks like-â€Å" â€Å"Send me back, Adrian!†So much for my politeness. â€Å"Rose, let me help-â€Å" â€Å"Send. Me. Back!†I shouted the words, and then, for the first time, I managed to pull myself out of Adrian’s dream. I left sleep altogether and woke up on the couch. The room was still and silent, the only sound my rapid breathing. I felt all tangled up inside. Usually, so fresh from a bite, I would be floating and gleeful. Yet, the encounter with Adrian had left part of me troubled and sad. Standing up, I managed to make my way to the bathroom. I flicked on the light and winced. It hadn’t been very bright in the other room. Once my eyes adjusted, I leaned toward the mirror and pushed my hair out of the way. I gasped at what I saw. There were bruises all over my neck, as well as signs of fresher wounds. Around where Dimitri had just bitten me, I could see dried blood. I looked†¦ like a blood whore. How had I never noticed this before? I wet a washcloth and scrubbed at my neck, trying to get the blood off. I rubbed and rubbed until the skin turned pink. Was that it? Were there more? That looked like the worst of it. I wondered how much Adrian had seen. My hair had been down, and I was pretty sure most of it had covered my neck. A rebellious thought came to my head. What did it matter if Adrian saw or not? He didn’t understand. There was no way he could even come close. I was with Dimitri. Yeah, he was different†¦ but not that much different. And I was sure I could find a way to make this work without becoming a Strigoi. I just didn’t know how yet. I tried to reassure myself over and over, but those bruises kept staring back at me. I left the bathroom and returned to the couch. I turned on the TV without really watching, and after a while, the happy fog rolled over me again. I soon tuned out the TV and returned to sleep. This time, my dreams were my own. It took a while for Dimitri to come again. And by â€Å"a while,†I mean almost an entire day. I was getting twitchy by that point, both because I missed him and because I missed the bite. He usually visited twice a day, so this was the longest I’d gone without the endorphins. Needing something to do, I preoccupied myself with making myself as beautiful as possible. I sorted through the dresses in my closet, choosing a long ivory silk one that had purple flowers delicately painted into the fabric. It fit like a glove. I wanted to wear my hair up, but after looking at the bruises again, I decided to wear it down. I’d been provided with a curling iron and makeup recently, so I worked my hair over carefully, turning the ends up in perfect little curls. Once made up, I stared happily at my reflection, certain Dimitri would be happy too. All I needed now was to put on some of the exquisite jewelry he’d given me. But when I turned to leave, I caught a glimpse of my back from the side and saw I’d missed fastening a clasp. I reached around to do it but couldn’t get a hold of it. It was in that perfect spot just out of my reach. â€Å"Damn,†I muttered, still grappling with the hook. The flaw in my perfection. Just then, I heard the door open in the other room, followed by the telltale sound of a tray being set on the coffee table. A stroke of luck. â€Å"Inna!†I called, walking out of the bathroom. â€Å"I need you to-â€Å" Nausea rolled through me, and as I stepped into the living room, I saw that Dimitri wasn’t the source. Nathan was. My jaw dropped open. Inna stood near him, waiting patiently by the tray, eyes downcast as always. I immediately ignored her and then looked back at Nathan. Presumably, he was still on guard duty, but that had never actually included him coming inside. For the first time in a while, some of my battle instincts kicked in, assessing escape options. My fear urged me to back away, but that would trap me in the bathroom. Best to stay where I was. Even if I couldn’t leave the room, this gave me the most space to maneuver. â€Å"What are you doing here?†I asked, surprised at how calm I sounded. â€Å"Taking care of a problem.†I didn’t really need any pointers to figure out the subtext here. I was the problem. Again, I fought the urge to back up. â€Å"I’ve never done anything to you.†It was faulty logic to a Strigoi. None of their victims ever did anything to them. â€Å"You exist,†he said. â€Å"You’re taking up space here, wasting everyone’s time. You know how to find her-the Dragomir girl-yet you’ll offer nothing remotely useful until Belikov gets off his ass and awakens you. And in the meantime, Galina forces me to waste time watching you and keeps promoting him because he’s convinced her that you’re going to be some amazing asset to us.†It was an interesting set of grievances. â€Å"So†¦ um, what are you going to do?†In a flash, he stood in front of me. Seeing him so close triggered that memory in my mind’s eye-him biting Dimitri and starting all of this. A spark of anger kindled in me but didn’t do much in the way of development. â€Å"I’m getting the information one way or another,†he hissed. â€Å"Tell me where she is.†â€Å"You know where she is. She’s at the school.†There was nothing useful in giving up that news. He knew she was there. He knew where the school was. The look he gave me showed he was not happy about me providing knowledge he already had. Reaching out, he gripped my hair and jerked my head painfully back. Wearing my hair down maybe hadn’t been so useful after all. â€Å"Where is she going? She won’t stay there forever. Is she going to college? The Royal Court ? They must have made plans for her.†â€Å"I don’t know what they are. I’ve been away for a while.†â€Å"I don’t believe you,†he snarled. â€Å"She’s too valuable. Her future would have been planned out a while ago.†â€Å"If it is, no one’s shared it with me. I left too soon.†I shrugged by way of answer. Rage filled his eyes, and I swear, they grew redder. â€Å"You’re bonded! You know. Tell me now, and I’ll kill you quickly. If you don’t, I’ll awaken you to get the information, and then I’ll kill you. I’ll light you up like a bonfire.†â€Å"You†¦ you’d kill me once I was one of you?†Foolish question. Strigoi felt no loyalty to each other. â€Å"Yes. It’ll destroy him, and once Galina sees how unhinged he is, I will return to my original place by her side-especially after I stamp out the Dragomir line.†â€Å"The hell you will.†He smiled and touched my face, running his fingers along my neck and the bruises all over it. â€Å"Oh, I will. It really will make things easier if you just tell me now. You’ll die in ecstasy rather than being burned alive. We’ll both enjoy it.†He wrapped his hand delicately around my throat. â€Å"You’re definitely a problem, but you are beautiful-especially your throat. I can see why he wants you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Warring emotions played within me. Logically, I knew this was Nathan-Nathan, whom I hated for having turned Dimitri in the first place. Yet my body’s need for Strigoi endorphins was raising its head too, and it barely mattered that it was Nathan. What mattered was that his teeth were only a breath away from my neck, promising that sweet, sweet delirium. And while one hand held my throat, the other ran down my waist, down to the curve of my hip. There had been a sultry edge to Nathan’s voice, like he wanted to do more than just bite me. And after so many sexually charged encounters with Dimitri-encounters that never resulted in anything-my body almost didn’t care who touched it. I could close my eyes, and it wouldn’t matter whose teeth bit into me or whose hands peeled off my clothes. Only the next fix would matter. I could close my eyes and pretend it was Dimitri, lost in it all as Nathan’s lips brushed my skin†¦ Except, as some small reasonable part of me recalled, Nathan didn’t just want sex and blood. He eventually wanted to kill me. Which was kind of ironic. I’d been dead set-no pun intended-on killing myself when I got here, lest I become a Strigoi. Nathan was offering me that now. Even if he turned me first, he planned on killing me immediately afterward. Either way, I wouldn’t have to spend eternity as a Strigoi. I should have welcomed this. But just then, as my body’s addiction screamed for his bite and that bliss, I realized something with startling clarity: I didn’t want to die. Maybe it was because I’d gone almost a day without a bite, but something small and rebellious woke up in me. I would not let him do this to me. I would not let him go after Dimitri. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to let him hunt down Lissa. Pushing through that endorphin cloud that still hung around me, I summoned up as much willpower as I could. I dug deep, remembering my years of training and all the lessons Dimitri had given me. It was hard to access those memories, and I only touched a few. Still, enough came to spur me to action. I lunged forward and punched Nathan. And accomplished nothing. He didn’t budge. Hell, I don’t even know if he felt it. The surprise on his face promptly turned to mirth, and he laughed in that horrible way Strigoi did-cruelly and without any real joy. Then, with the greatest of ease, he slapped me and knocked me across the room. Dimitri had done nearly the same thing when I’d arrived and attacked him. Only I hadn’t flown quite as far or had so miniscule an effect on him. I slammed into the back of the couch, and good God, did it hurt. A wave of dizziness washed over me, and I realized the idiocy of fighting someone vastly stronger than me when I’d been losing blood all week. I managed to straighten up and desperately sought my next course of action. Nathan, for his part, seemed in no hurry to respond to my attack. In fact, he was still laughing. Glancing around, I latched onto a truly pitiful course of action. Inna stood near me. Moving with a speed that was painfully slow-but better than I expected myself to manage-I reached for her and wrapped my arm around her neck. She yelped in surprise, and I jerked her harder against me. â€Å"Get out of here,†I said to Nathan. â€Å"Get out of here, or I’ll kill her.†He stopped laughing, stared at me for a moment, and then laughed even harder. â€Å"Are you serious? Do you honestly think I couldn’t stop you if I wanted? And do you honestly think I care? Go ahead. Kill her. There are dozens more just like her.†Yeah, that really shouldn’t have been a surprise either, but even I was a bit taken aback by how easily he could throw away a faithful servant’s life. Okay. Time to go to Plan B. Or maybe it was Plan J? Frankly, I was losing track, and none of them were very good anyway â€Å"Ow!†Inna suddenly elbowed me in the stomach. I released her in my surprise. She spun around with a strangled scream and socked me in the face. The blow wasn’t as hard as Nathan’s had been, but it still knocked me over. I tried to catch a hold of something-anything-as I fell but failed. I hit the floor, my back slamming against the door. I expected her to come right back at me, but instead, she darted across the room and-God help us all threw herself into a defensive posture in front of Nathan. Before I could fully process the weirdness of her trying to protect someone who was willing to let her die, the door suddenly opened. â€Å"Ow!†I said again, as it hit me and pushed me aside. Dimitri swiftly entered. He looked from face to face, and I had no doubt mine showed signs of both Nathan’s and Inna’s attacks. Dimitri’s fists clenched, and he turned toward Nathan. It reminded me of their scuffle in the hallway, all rage and malice and bloodlust. I cringed, bracing myself for another horrible confrontation. â€Å"Don’t,†warned Nathan, face smug. â€Å"You know what Galina said. Touch me and you’re out of here.†Dimitri strode across the room and came to stand in front of Nathan, knocking Inna aside like a rag doll. â€Å"It’ll be worth facing her wrath, particularly when I tell her you attacked first. Rose certainly bears the marks of it.†â€Å"You wouldn’t.†He pointed at Inna, who was sitting dazed on the floor from where Dimitri had knocked her over. Despite my own injuries, I began crawling over to her. I had to know if she was all right. â€Å"She’ll tell the truth.†Now Dimitri looked smug. â€Å"You really think Galina will believe a human? No. When I tell her how you attacked me and Rose out of jealousy, she’ll let me off. The fact that you’ll be so easily defeated will be proof of your weakness. I’ll slice your head off and get Rose’s stake from the vault. With your last breath, you can watch her drive it through your heart.†Holy crap. That was a little worse than Nathan threatening to burn me-wait. My stake? Nathan’s face still bore haughty arrogance-at least to me. But I think Dimitri must have seen something that satisfied him, something that made him think he’d gotten the upper hand. He visibly relaxed, his smirk growing larger. â€Å"Twice,†Dimitri said softly. â€Å"Twice I’ve let you go. Next time†¦ next time, you’re gone.†I reached Inna and gently held out my hand. â€Å"Are you okay?†I murmured. With a look of hate, she recoiled and scooted away. Nathan’s eyes fell on me, and he began backing toward the door. â€Å"No,†he said. â€Å"Twice I’ve let her live. Next time she’s gone. I’m the one in control here, not you.†Nathan opened the door and Inna stood up, stumbling after him. I stared, mouth agape at the events that had just taken place. I didn’t know which of them I found more disturbing. Looking up at Dimitri, I grappled with what to ask him first. What were we going to do? Why had Inna defended Nathan? Why had Dimitri let him go? None of those defiant questions came to my lips, though. Instead, I burst into tears. How to cite Blood Promise Chapter Twenty-One, Essay examples
Blood Brothers Analysis Essay Example For Students
Blood Brothers Analysis Essay After being separated at birth Micky and Edward were brought up in completely different environments Although they are twins, Mickey and Eddie were separated from the start. Their mother has a very unfortunate background: she has very little money, her husband has left her and she has a big family. She is afraid that she cannot afford another two children. She is also afraid that her children will be taken into care. Mrs Lyons, the woman she cleans for, persuades her to give her one of the twins, Eddie because she is desperate to have children and she cannot have any of her own. Mrs Johnston agrees because she thinks that she will get to see her son everyday and she knows that Eddie will have a better life living in middle class Lyons family for example have his own room. This seems fantastic to Mrs Johnston because all of her children share one room. Mrs Lyons becomes jealous so of her easy relationship with baby Eddie she fires Mrs Johnston and now Eddie is completely separated from Mrs Johnston and his twin. Even though they were split up destiny finally brought them together. The twins are brought together because of their nature. They meet by accident when they are seven years old and become very close right away. They feel so close they become Blood Brothers. This is ironic because they already share the same blood because of their natures. At seven years old nature is more important than nerture. An example to support this view is the fact that they enjoy playing together. To do so they disobey their mothers. The twins first meet when Eddie offers Mickey a sweet. Mickey is amazed by this kind gesture. He did not hesitate to take one. Already nurture has made a slight difference at such a young age because Eddie has sweets and can afford to share which stuns Mickey because he has to keep all his sweets away from his family. The Johnston children do not get many sweets. The difference in society has made Eddie more generous than Mickey, but this is only because he has to chance to whereas Mickey has to saver his sweets. Even though they had completely different upbringings they still got in to the same mischief. The twins experience a completely different reaction when they are shooting a window in the park and get caught by the policewoman. The policewoman tells Mickeys mother that the act was a serious crime whereas Eddies mother was just told it was just a prank really. This is an immense difference. This was a social prejudice because they were brought up in different circumstances. Willy Russel said that it was like a tennis match were he went from one scene to another he only did this once in the play because this would make it more affective. I think that everyone plays apart in the death of both Micky and Edward. Mrs Johnston because she should not have given up her child in the first place Mrs Lyons for telling Micky that Edward was cheating with Edward. Sammys fault for getting Micky in to the trouble with the shooting and getting him sent to prison. Edwards fault for kissing Linda in the first place but I think Edward plays the main part in the death of both of them because he is the one who went running round with the gun and threatened to kill Mickey. Due to the different environments that they grew up in, Eddie is ensured a successful career, because he had money to go to university and would improve his fathers factory when he died. On the other hand, Mickey was almost guaranteed to get a low paid job with long hours because of his deprived environment. Eddie has always been naive throughout the play and has not experienced many difficulties whereas Mickey has always been underprivileged money and unable to have the chance to go to university. The High unemployment rate also played a part in Mickeys life long struggle even when he got out of prison and planned to get his life sorted out he was knocked back down by the unemployment and when he did get a job it was given to him by Edward and this is what might of pushed him over the edge.
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