Monday, January 27, 2020
Overview And Causes Of Pica Disorder Biology Essay
Overview And Causes Of Pica Disorder Biology Essay Pica Disorder is the affliction that causes people to have a sudden urge to consume non-food related items (1). This disorder has baffled scientist for decades, and research has yet to come up with a clear reason or cause (1). Pica disorder can be found in literature as early as Hippocrates, and has been classified by many ancient scholars during the middle ages and Renaissance times (1). Many explorers, missionaries, and colonist have also written accounts about pica disorder in their journeys (1). Many of these early descriptions placed pica disorder as an intense desire to consume non-food related items, and has been described as a cultural phenomenon with no physiological cause(1). The word pica comes from the Latin word Pica pica which is the name of the magpie, a bird that is described to have an erratic appetite (1). Other names include cachexia Africana (named by doctors who took care of the African slaves), citta, mal destomac, and malacia (1). Pica disorder is prevalent among pregnant women and young children because they are the most biological vulnerable, and can also be found in people that are undergoing renal dialysis, have celiac disease, and those who have a red blood cell defect such as sickle cell anemia (1). The disorder can cause many different affects on the body with both positive and negative results (1). Some negative effects include: metal poisoning, damage to internal organs, and some weight gain (1). Positive effects may include: providing important micronutrients that the body lacks (Fe, Ca, or Zn), possible relieving stress on the gestational tract, and preventing harmful pathogens and bacteria from entering the blood stream (1). Several explanations have been provided to explain what causes pica disorder such as: psychological stress, dyspepsia, general hunger, protection against toxins and pathogens, and a side affect of iron deficiency which can cause anemia (1). In medical literature the definition of pica is, the craving and purposive consumption of substances that the consumer does not define as food with symptoms lasting longer then one month. (1). This clarification indicates that pica cannot be classified as the accidental ingestion of dirt or other non-food items, and the individual must voluntary consume the substance (1).The urge for pica can be compared to the addiction of tobacco, drugs, or the consumption of alcoholic beverages (1). The list of pica substances is countless, but a few of the major items include the consumption of: dirt, raw starch (uncooked pasta), ice, paper, chalk, eggshells, coffee grounds, matches, and in extreme cases needles or other sharp pointed items (1). Body Major Forms of Pica Disorder The consumption of dirt, clay, and chalk for the nutritional value that they might contain is called geophagy (1). This practice is prevalent among pregnant women, and in some communities might reach up to 60% of the population (1). The soil can be prepared by baking or frying, and the amount of dirt ingested ranges from 20-40g, and can range from consuming pieces of pottery, or eating beans that have a high concentration of dirt found in them (1). Most of these items include some type of clay in them, which contains a compound called kaolin, which is ingredient found in some anti-diarrhea medications (1). Another alternative to eating soil or clay is found in the consumption of other non-nutritional foods such as raw starch which is known as amylophagy (1). Most of these starches come in the form of raw foods such as uncooked rice, pasta, and starchy rubbers (1). The consumption of these starches ranges from a couple of grams per day to 1kg (1). One other major form of pica disorder can be found in pagophagy which is the consumption of ice (1). Unlike the average person that might suck on an ice cube or two, someone who practices pagophagy consumes several glasses of ice a day (1). Several Hypotheses There are several hypotheses that explain the environmental factors that might cause the onset of pica. These hypotheses can be broken down into three sub-categories: hunger, micronutrient deficiency, and protection against toxin (8). Researchers, however, have found little to no information on the genetic basis or mechanism that is associated with pica disorder. This lack of data is associated with researchers not having acknowledged that pica disorder is prevalent among many populations of the world today, and the belief that pica is just a mental ailment (8). Conducted Research on Anemic properties and Pica Disorder The main hypothesis concerning pica disorder is the association between pica and anemia (1). Some researchers have hypothesized that pica is a symptom which is developed when one becomes anemic (1). In two different studies, pregnant women were tested for several different variables. In the first study, researchers took a group of 823 pregnant women from Turkey and analyzed their relationship between anemia and pica (5). The second study consisted of pregnant women found in Tanzania that were tested to see picas involvement with immunodeficiency diseases (HIV), iron deficiency, soil transmitted helminth infections such as malaria, and the potential danger of infection of parasites (7). The demand for iron in a pregnant woman is much greater then the average human because of the increasing amount of blood cells needed for the mother and the fetus (7). The lack of iron can result in iron-deficiency anemia, abortions, false labors, and multiparity (5). In a worldwide study it was found that 20% of all maternal deaths resulted from anemia, and can also lead to premature births, underdeveloped infants, increased infant fatality, and a decrease in fertility (5). In the study done in Turkey, researchers were able to find that out of the 823 pregnant women studied, 1 out of 10 exhibited pica behavior (5). Most of these women were illiterate and were in a lower social class that resulted in less consumption of animal protein, and the lack of funds to take iron supplements during their pregnancy which resulted in deficient amount of iron, folate, and vitamin B12 during their pregnancy (5). In the study done in Tanzania, researchers found that 82.6% of the women studied had anemia where about 29% ate soil on a regular bases (7). Those that consumed soil were 75% more likely to have severe anemia when compared to those that didnt (7). Women that showed signs of iron deficiency (such as a decrease number of hemoglobin) were also more likely to consume pica substances (7). T here was no correlation between HIV and geophagy, and women that had malaria did not consume soil which could be a result of soil containing traces of iron which makes the conditions of malaria worse (7). The amount of Ascaris lumbricoides (round worm) found in the pregnant women was much higher in those who practiced geophagy (7). Geophagy became more prevalent as the pregnancy progressed (7). This could be the bodys response of supplying more iron to form more hemoglobin (7). Another purposed hypothesis is that when an individual practices in consuming non-food related items this can result in anemia (1). This hypothesis states that the intake of non-nutritional elements does not result in a positive result or a decrease in this deficiency (1). The mechanism behind this phenomenon is found to be caused by tissue enzyme deficiency and this includes Fe and Zn deficiencies which play a role in appetite regulating brain enzymes (1). In one study, three subjects were tested that exhibited different types of pica (4). One subjected consumed at least two super-sized McDonald soda cups filled with ice a day which resulted in heavy bleeding during her menstrual cycle (4). Another subject would drink iced water three to four times a day which resulted in the formation of colonic polyps which caused bleeding (4). The third and final subject would chew on rubber bands with a specific color and diameter (4). All three of the individuals were mentally stable, and had no history of mental ailments (4). After treated with iron supplementation, one subject was able to stop their pica condition while the other two were still undergoing treatment (4). It has been suggested that the reason why individuals that have developed pica eat ice in an abnormal amount is because glossal pain on the tongue can develop because of iron deficiency, and the ice actually soothes the pain (4). It has also been suggested that stress that is formed in the upper gastrointestinal tract (such as heartburn or nausea) brings on the urge of consuming pica elements (1). This is because some pica elements contain high traces of alkaline which can act a suppressor and reduce the gastric pH in the gastrointestinal organs which would reduce the pain induced by heartburn or nausea (1). This however does not take into account for the individual that chewed on rubber bands (4). In another case report, a 22-year old African woman was diagnosed to have severe anemia (6). The woman had complained of immense fatigue, and it was found that she had been consuming a stone that was high in kaolinite and quartz for the past 15 years (5). After removing traces of the stone in her body and providing iron supplements, the woman was able to recover from her sever anemia, and a check up 3 months later showed a satisfactory blood count and stable iron levels (6). A possible reason to why this stone made the woman develop severe anemia is because of the high levels of kaolinite found in the stone (6). Kaolinite is a compound that is able to absorb concentrations of Fe2+ and Fe 3+ in the duodenum, which is where iron is absorbed by the body (6). This could have caused her to develop a deficiency in iron which could have led to her having severe anemia (6). In many cases of pica, iron deficiency or anemic properties are present in the individual (1). There have been positive results that show livestock that have developed iron deficiency and have engaged in pica activity have shown improvement in their iron deficiency (1). However, sodium is the only known nutrient that is craved in humans, and some data shows that most pica substances have little to no iron in them except for soil, which the iron content of is less known although some acid base tests have been taken which resulted in some pica substances containing nutritional elements such as Fe, Zn, Cu, and Ca (1). These tests however do not take into account the pH of the intestine, and the site of these nutritional elements such as Fe (1). Overall this hypothesis is an intriguing one, but does not have any current data that suggests that consuming pica elements actually help elevate iron deficiency or other nutritional deficiencies (1) Pica used as protection against pathogens and toxins A recent hypothesis that has come up in the scientific community is that pica substances are consumed to protect against harmful chemicals and pathogens (1). Clay is shown to exhibit toxin-binding properties, and kaolin (found in some clay) is an active ingredient found in some anti-diarrhea medications (3).These toxins can come from plants, which produce toxins as a protective measure against predators (1). These toxins can cause dizziness, muscle pains, and other unwanted side effects (1). Other chemicals can enter food via bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus (1). Viruses and parasites can also enter the body and cause damage (1). In a study done with rats, the rats were injected with a chemotherapy agent (cisplatin), and then given doses of kaolin (3). The rats that were given kaolin showed less acute symptoms then the rats that were injected with cisplatin which exhibited a decrease in appetite, and weight loss (3). Kaolin could have played a role in decre asing the anxiety felt by the rats, and possibly sped up the recovery process (3). The mechanism on how clay and kaolin work on the body is still a mystery, and does not solidify the hypothesis that pica substances play a role in elevating pain from toxins or other chemicals (3). Conclusion Although pica disorder has been known since the time of Hippocrates, it is still a mystery to many researchers (1). The next step to further the knowledge about pica is to take a multidisciplinary approach, and to shift the idea of pica just being a mental ailment to pica also playing a physiological role in individuals (8). It is not fully understood to whether pica plays a role in the onset of anemic properties or if pica is a side effect of anemia (8). There is also the possibility that pica can contribute to the prevention or relief of toxins and pathogens from entering the blood stream (1). Although pica is not fully understood, it still must be taken seriously, as the effects are still not fully understood and could result in many complications that can lead to suffering for individuals that experience pica symptoms (1).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Cultural Analysis of France
Abstract The nation of France has provided substantial contributions to both society and culture over the course of history. This essay assesses the French culture with a focus on leadership and business aspects that drive the nation’s philosophy. With results demonstrating the dynamic potential available in the French culture, this evaluation has found many continuing contributions to the international community. This research will be of value to any person studying French culture. Cultural Analysis of France France has long held a position of interest in the area of culture and leadership (Kuhn, 2013). This assessment focuses on leadership elements that provide a clear demonstration of the French philosophy and interactive potential. Beginning with a brief overview that incorporates key components including location, history and social infrastructure will build an easily understood foundation. Next will be an evaluation of cultural and business practices that will serve to outline the French philosophy at work. The combination of these segments will create the opportunity to identify the leadership qualities needed to be successful in French society. Overview Blanchard, Lemaire, Bancel, Thomas & Pernsteiner (2012) describe France as one of the most important actors in Europe. France is recognized as the largest physical nation within the boundaries of Europe with over 60 million French speaking citizens (Blanchard et al, 2012). Featuring regional boundaries created by the passage of time and tradition, each section of France possesses unique religious and social attributes that set it apart making the associated culture complex (, 2014). Once flourishing as a colonial empire French holdings extended around the world, directly impacting international development (, 2014). With distinct offerings in areas of law including jurisprudence the French contribution to worldwide civilization has been fundamental (Zimmerman, 2014). The Spirit of the Laws, created during the Age of Enlightenment is one of many reflections of value that the French philosophy place on the areas of science and art (Blanchard et al, 2012). Evolving from a monarchy to a modern democratic society, with rule devolving from the population, France created the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen in order to clarify human rights (Zimmerman, 2014). This form of leadership supports the French position of innovation and development in the cultural arena. With territories still extant overseas, the French economy is rated to be the fifth largest in the world, further illustrating the strength and vitality of the French system (Zimmerman, 2014). Cultural Elements Goldhammer (2010) describes the French culture since the revolution of the nineteenth century as a combination of three aspects: Humanist, or the philosophical aspect, the scientific and the industrial. The French culture emphasizes the areas of civil rights and education in a direct effort to increase the overall standard of living (Summerfield, 2013). With past leaders including the conqueror Napoleon contributing directly to the French educational tradition, there is a lasting identification of the French population with the learning arts (Rigby, 1991). Modern evaluation of the French educational system ranks it midway between the highest and the lowest, with many substantial individuals attributing their philosophy to the system (Summerfield, 2013). This lasting identification with art is transferred to the very high rate of tourism in the nation of France, number one in the world, which is in turn credited with spreading of French concepts of education and learning (Zimmerman, 2 014). With premier artists and concepts including Cubism, Impressionism and Symbolism by such renowned artists as Manet, Monet and Renoir long comprising the French ranks, there is a real sense of gravitas to be felt in the cultural inclination of art (Summerfield, 2013). This is demonstrated the by the unrivalled French capacity to attract visitors which then spread their cultural ideals and artistic values. Among the arts and educational values held by the French there is a real sense of scientific and innovative components (Kuhn, 2013). With major universities producing practical applications in the fields of business and economics, the French culture stresses the need to continually revisit and consider new ideas (Zimmerman, 2014). This same element of cultural leadership is exhibited in areas including fashion and advertising (Summerfield, 2013). With several leading institutions including Dior and Chanel, the French society has created a cultural expectation of style and chic (The Economist, 2014). With a positive world outlook, modern French culture boasts one of the very best reputations for trust and integrity on the world stage (Zimmerman, 2014). This fact drives the perception that the society ranks among the best overall systems of governance (The Economist, 2014). Despite the upbeat overall outlook, many internal polls cite the depressed attitude of the culture itself (, 2014). With a high moral and ethical standard, yet an open and inclusive society, the French society epitomizes their slogan: â€Å"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity†(Blanchard et al, 2012:43). Leadership and Business Characteristics France has been characterized by significant leaders of both sexes including Napoleon and Joan of Arc; there is a tradition of strong, opinionated leadership (Blanchard et al, 2012). Coupled with a history of monarchies including the reign of notables such as Louis the 14th, there is an expectation of grandiose and innovative concepts from the upper tier (Stephenson, 2011). With the French revolution and the rise of democracy these principles of strength and vision in leadership have carried over, providing impetus for the modern crop of French leadership (The Economist, 2014). With a business culture that recognizes the value of leisure and employee satisfaction, there is a focus on providing the best possible environment in order to produce the best possible result (Rigby, 1991). Conclusion France is a multi-tiered culture that has provided and will continue to be a positive influence on the entire world society. With attributes including practicality, integrity, innovation and adaptation there is a real perception of value to found in the culture. Taking elements that have been refined over the centuries including French art, educational and civil rights philosophies and cultural values the nation of France can be credited with substantial contribution to modern international society. With a need to be forthright, decisive and stalwart in the face of criticism the French leadership and business community have served to drive the nation to the position of prominence that it now enjoys. In the end, past actions, modern practices and future potential combine to illustrate France as a competitive nation that produces well educated individuals fit for leading the international community. With a well-rounded consumer base coupled with a dynamic business environment, there is every reason to expect the French culture to continue to be a leader into the next era. References Blanchard, P., Lemaire, S., Bancel, N., Thomas, D. R. D. & Pernsteiner, A. (2012). Colonial culture in France since the revolution. (2014). French culture. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 8 Mar 2014]. Goldhammer, A. (2010). The future of French culture. French Politics, Culture & Society, 28 (3), pp. 97–113 Kuhn, R. (2013). Imagining the popular in contemporary French culture. Modern & Contemporary France, 21 (3), pp. 396–397. Rigby, B. (1991). Popular culture in modern France. London: Routledge. Stephenson, P. (2011). The death of French culture (trans. Andrew brown). Journal Of Contemporary European Studies, 19 (4), pp. 582–583. Summerfield, M. (2013). Wine drinking culture in France: a national myth or a modern passion?. Journal Of Wine Research, 24 (1), pp. 81–82. The Economist. (2014). Bleak chic. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 8 Mar 2014]. Zimmermann, K. (2014). French culture: customs & traditions. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 8 Mar 2014].
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Poverty in Canada Essay
Poverty in Canada is a serious issue that needs to be effectively and efficiently addressed. Approximately one in six Canadians lives in poverty despite Canada being among the wealthiest developed countries. The poor live in poor housing conditions, earn minimal wages and overcrowded regions with some being forced into the streets, in cars or old vans. (www. kairoscanada. org). Poverty makes them live in fear, become malnourished, bad health conditions that make their lives a misery. Canada has a record of having the strongest economic growth especially from 1997-2003. What are the causes of poverty in Canada? Poverty rates for the minority groups’ for instance aboriginal people, new immigrants, single parents and one disabled are higher. These people lack secure employment from which they can earn a decent source of income. Without the finances they cannot cater for their basic needs like food, shelter and clothing. Lack of adequate and efficient government support also contributes to the higher rates of poverty. The poor get poorer when relevant authorities fail to provide or open channels through which they can access financial assistance. Poverty in Canada is highly correlated to gender, race and a citizen’s status in the society. (www. ccsd. ca). Those from families that are at a higher rank in terms of social power will be of better economic status compared to those from poor families. Poverty tends to be inherited as wealth and riches are. (www. kairoscanada. org). Education is a vital factor affecting or contributing to poverty. Parental education level affects how their children will be whereby those with tertiary education have the skills or knowledge to acquire decent employment that can enable them lead decent lives. The family size and structure also contributes to poverty. Single parents have higher chances of living in poverty as they have to single-handedly cater for their children. Large families also need more finances to cater for all their needs and small families generally tend to be better off. Cultural barriers and prejudice affects or influences government policies as well as social attitudes and economic structures. Distribution of wealth and not lack of it acts as a major cause of poverty in Canada. Poor pay act as a major determinant of poverty. The government allocates a minimal amount of resources for overall social transfers for instance on income assistance, child benefits, old age security, disability assistance, employment insurance and social assistance. New immigrants get poor wages and work under hostile conditions. Since they do not have permanent residency they are very susceptible to exploitation. They work for long hours, earn sub-standard wages, lack over time pay and are physically or verbally abused. (www. kairoscanada. org). Discrimination against women and people of colour hinders them from employment opportunities. Gender inequalities and domestic responsibilities, lack of appropriate childcare and language barriers hinder effective employment and consequently poverty levels rise. Family characteristics for instance the age of becoming a parent affects or rather influences family income levels and increases the chances of poverty. Research has shown that families of single mothers are generally poorer than families headed by men. In terms of wages paid women tend to earn less than males as they participate a lot in domestic chores and childcare (www. kairoscanada. org). They also tend to be more represented in the service and less paying employment opportunities as compared to men. What are the effects of poverty in Canada? Poverty in Canada has detrimental effects in economic, social as well as psychological aspects of those it involves. It deprives off the poor important things like food, shelter, clothing, education, health and employment. Inability to adequately provide for the poor is a cost to the government especially when cost of housing for example increases. Quality of healthcare provided is undermined as the demand for these services increases. Poverty is linked to poor health and since Canada provides universal health care it has increased expenses providing for more patients. Poverty and income inequalities have a major effect on health where health effects of poverty are felt more among the poor. The costs incurred on other services like education, recreation, transportation, security and pension also face a blow as the demand increases. (www. kairoscanada. org). Poverty affects people’s self esteem, dignity and belonging as it exposes them to hostile indecent living conditions. Those discriminated upon are emotionally affected by the way the society treats them. Poverty has a negative impact on social cohesion as well as economic prosperity. Poverty is also responsible for increased incidences of child labour and child abuse. Poor families can use their children to supplement their incomes. Criminal activities are aggravated by poverty since the poor may use illegitimate means to attain the basic necessities. How is poverty addressed or handled in Canada? Canadians fight or react to poverty in different perspectives. Direct donations and charity are offered to the poor and they include money, time, clothing and food. Economic based strategies are also developed for instance the creation of cooperatives and local businesses that are supported and run by the community in terms of funds or loans. This approach is beneficial to the community at large as what an individual could not have afforded is now affordable. Government protests and advocacy is another response to poverty. Churches and other non governmental organisations lobby to government to address vital issues like on income security where minimum wages can be set, employment insurance, childcare, social programs and fairness of taxation. Anti-poverty groups create or rather raise awareness of poverty and by so doing, keep the government in check. What are the strategies of fighting poverty in Canada? Government policies should be changed so as to increase more income supports for the Canadians. There should be increased security and remuneration in the labour markets whereby minimum wages as well as observance or adherence of human rights to part time and contract workers are considered. (www. socialjustice. org). There should also be increased accessibility to public facilities like housing, childcare as well as recreational programs. The children are a vulnerable population that ought to be adequately attended to. The Canadian government ought to be committed in setting targets of progress. Setting a parliamentary committee would also be appropriate especially in ensuring that there is transparency and effectiveness in the process of poverty eradication. It can establish fair tax systems for instance a low-income tax that can promote education to uplift the poor people’s living conditions. The government ought to assist single parents by increasing their benefits. Child benefits should also be increased so as to improve the living standards of children from poor families. Cultural transformation is also crucial if poverty is to be eliminated in Canada as cultural aspects influence poverty. (www. socialjustice. org). People can be encouraged to value and pursue academic goals so as to increase their chances of getting jobs that can enable them lead decent lives. An effective poverty eradication strategy is one that is made for the people and by the people. It is therefore very important to involve the minority groups like people of colour and women in the design and implementation of poverty eradication strategies. Families can be encouraged to raise small families so that their educational levels can be higher as their family incomes would be higher. Cooperative societies and other forms of community efforts to mobilize finances for the overall development should also be encouraged. They will be very important in ensuring that the status of the poor is uplifted. Education is very important in ensuring that people attain the necessary skills to fit in the job market. (www. conferenceboard. ca) Concerns of the poor should therefore be felt or reflected in the government policies as well as in its decision-making processes. Their human as well as economic rights should be fought for or respected. Reducing the gap between the rich and the poor would be an appropriate measure by the Canadian government. (english. napo-onap. ca). It only works to make the rich richer as the poor languish in poverty. Hiring processes should be fair and just so that the human rights are respected. Discrimination has negative effects, as it would result to under-utilisation of skills, capacities, talents and opportunities all of which are beneficial to the country as a whole.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Adoption, Domestic And International Adoption Essay
Melissa Bannon Mrs. Munsie College Writting 12-14-16 Many people want to have their own children, but what are other options? Adoption gets helpless children out of the foster care system, but having their own child gives them a better connection. Three reasons why parents should adopt is because it helps get kids out of foster care, adopted families have all the same rights as families formed from birth, and adopting a child helps parents start a family if they can’t get pregnant. Although some people think that having their own child is better, adoption is better because it gives children new and permanent homes, also it helps parents start a family. Furthermore, adoption is a way for children who cannot be cared for by their birth parents to become members of another family. There are two different types of adoption, Domestic and International adoption. Domestic adoption is when a child is born in a country and adopted in the same country. International adoption is when a child living in one country is adopted by a family li ving in a different country.â€Å"Through adoption, children’s legal ties with their birth parents are needed so they can begin a relationship approved by law with their adoptive parents.†(Adoption) Adoption helps provide children with new and permanent homes. â€Å"Each year, 130,000 children are adopted, increasingly from other countries.†(Adoption) As you can see many children have benefitted from the adoption process, 130,000 children are now happy inShow MoreRelatedEssay about Domestic vs International Adoption1405 Words  | 6 PagesIn todays society, the idea of adoption is an open and welcome one. However, the biggest decision in adoption today is whether to adopt domestically or internationally. There is a very large growing trend in international adoptions today. 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