Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand Essay Example for Free
Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand Essay The beginning stage of Objectivist Epistemology is the guideline, introduced by Rand as an immediate result of the magical aphorism that Existence is Identity, that Knowledge is Identification. Objectivist epistemology[9] concentrates how one can decipher recognition, I. e. , mindfulness gained through the faculties, into legitimate ideas that really distinguish the realities of the real world. Objectivism expresses that by the technique for reason man can pick up information (recognizable proof of the realities of the real world) and rejects philosophical wariness. Objectivism additionally dismisses confidence and feeling as methods for achieving information. Despite the fact that Rand recognized the significance of feeling in people, she kept up that the presence of feeling was a piece of our world, not a different methods for accomplishing attention to the real world. Rand was neither an old style empiricist (like Hume or the intelligent positivists) nor a traditional realist (like Plato, Descartes, or Frege). She couldn't help contradicting the empiricists chiefly in that she believed discernment to be essentially sensation stretched out after some time, restricting the extent of recognition to programmed, pre-subjective mindfulness. Accordingly, she classified supposed perceptual fantasies as blunders in intellectual translation because of multifaceted nature of perceptual information. She held that target recognizable proof of the estimations of traits of existents is acquired by estimation, extensively characterized as techniques whose perceptual part, the examination of the ascribes an incentive to a norm, is easy to such an extent that a mistake in the subsequent ID is absurd given an engaged brain. Hence, as indicated by Rand, information acquired by estimation (the way that a substance has the deliberate trait, and the estimation of this credit comparative with the norm) is logically sure. Ayn Rands most particular commitment in epistemology is her hypothesis that ideas are appropriately shaped by estimation oversight. Objectivism recognizes substantial ideas from ineffectively framed ideas, which Rand calls enemies of ideas. While we can realize that something exists by recognition, we can just recognize what exists by estimation and rationale, which are important to transform percepts into legitimate ideas. Procedural rationale (characterized by Rand as the specialty of non-conflicting distinguishing proof) determines that a legitimate idea is shaped by overlooking the variable estimations of the benefits of comparing qualities of a lot of occurrences or units, however keeping the rundown of shared characteristics a format with estimations precluded as the measure of enrollment in the applied class. At the point when the way that a unit has all the traits on this rundown has been checked by estimation, at that point that unit is known with logical assurance to be a unit of the given idea. [9] Because an idea is just known to be legitimate inside the scope of the estimations by which it was approved, it is a mistake to accept that an idea is substantial outside this range, which is its (logical) scope. It is additionally a blunder to expect that a suggestion is known to be substantial outside the extent of its ideas, or that the decision of a logic is known to be legitimate outside the extent of its premises. Rand attributed scope infringement blunders in rationale to epistemological intrinsicism. [9][4] Rand didn't think about the explanatory engineered qualification, including the view that there are certainties in uprightness of importance, or that fundamental realities and numerical facts are best comprehended as realities in goodness of significance, to have merit. She comparatively precluded the presence from securing from the earlier information. Rand additionally thought of her as thoughts particular from foundationalism, gullible authenticity about discernment like Aristotle, or representationalism (I. e. , an aberrant pragmatist who puts stock in a shroud of thoughts) like Descartes or Locke. Objectivist epistemology, as most other philosophical parts of Objectivism, was first introduced by Rand in Atlas Shrugged. [5] It is all the more completely created in Rands 1967 Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology. [9] Rand thought of her as epistemology and its premise in reason so integral to her way of thinking that she commented, I am not principally a backer of private enterprise, yet of selfishness; and I am not fundamentally a promoter of vanity, however of reason. On the off chance that one perceives the matchless quality of reason and applies it reliably, all the rest follows.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Tikanga Maori Essay Example
Tikanga Maori Paper (Tikanga Whakaaro, Barlow, C 1996) In every one of these models, the word kaupapa is utilized to portray the sort of work or capacities to be done. So also, with regards to government divisions, the word kaupapa applies to the setting of arrangement, for instance: Social government assistance strategy: the approach contains the standards and rules, identifying with the tasks of the office. Maori school approach: this identifies with the rules, rules, and conditions for setting up free Maori schools at the essential level. Iwi progress authority arrangement: since 1989 Maori clans and government authorities have been occupied with a procedure of deciding strategy for iwi specialists which following the devolution of the Maori Affairs Department. The word kaupapa can be related with practically any association concerning its arrangement and practices, especially according to organization. (Tikanga Whakaaro, Barlow,C 1996) Te Toi Whakairo is the specialty of Maori cutting, and Tohunga Whakairo was the extraordinary carvers the ace skilled workers. An ace carver was profoundly thought of. We will compose a custom article test on Tikanga Maori explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Tikanga Maori explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Tikanga Maori explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The Maori accepted that the divine beings made and conveyed through the ace carvers. Today, cutting is a significant Tikanga for Maori. Tapu and noa remain some portion of Maori culture today. Tapu goes to the core of Maori strict idea and despite the fact that a lion's share of Maori are individuals from some Christian church or organization the thought of tapu holds. It isn't generally a matter of picking one religion over another. Or maybe it has to do with incorporating various ways of thinking and trying to accommodate clear inconsistencies. tapu is wherever in our reality. It is available in individuals, in places, in structures, in things, word, and in all tikanga. tapu is indistinguishable from mana, from our way of life as Maori and from our social practices. Maori regard tapu of spots and structures, for example, the hereditary gathering house. They likewise regard the tapu of people including their own. These are standards and qualities that Maori have faith in however it must be conceded that a considerable lot of them no longer think about these qualities and frequently don't have the foggiest idea what to do. In any case, tapu stays a significant piece of Maori activities and of their convictions. Maori ought not step over a dozing individual the explanation has to do with the tapu of the individual; one ought not disregard anything the leader of another, the head being the most tapu part of an individual. A structure is opened at sunrise since it is tapu until the second the manufacturers, carvers and decorators are discharged from the tapu of inventive work and the structure is cleared prepared for open use. The entire of the tangihanga service can't be clarified except if the thought of tapu is obviously comprehended. tapu itself was the most impressive, the most significant, and the most sweeping into Maori life. (http://www. history-nz. organization) Noa is frequently matched with tapu arraigning that regularly noa alludes to reestablishing a parity. An elevated level of tapu is viewed as perilous. Here the job of tikanga and of tohunga is diminishing the degree of endogenous tapu until it is noa or safe. It isn't valuable to consider noa being something contrary to tapu or as nonattendance of tapu. This is obviously not the situation. For instance an individual can be very tapu on the off chance that one is extremely sick of there is draining and shedding of blood. Once these tapu-expanding side effects have passed the individual comes back to a sheltered state, yet at the same time has individual tapu . the condition of noa demonstrates that an equalization has been reached, an emergency is finished, wellbeing is reestablished and life is typical once more. This implies connections are reestablished. This state agrees with a condition of ea and noa. This state may keep going for half a month until furious about some unforeseen occasion. (http://www. history-nz. organization) Tapu and noa remain some portion of Maori culture today, in spite of the fact that people today are not dependent upon the equivalent tapu as that of past occasions. Another house today, for instance, may have a noa function to expel the tapu, so as to make the home safe before the family moves in. These days, tapu totally are still in proof concerning ailment, demise, and internment. Tapu is clear in the Marae and in the Whare too. The first purposes behind some tapu are hazy today, yet different explanations behind tapu incorporated the preservation of indigenous habitat. This apparently benefitted the network all in all. (http://www. history-nz. organization) All in all, this report shows the qualities, convictions and morals that support conventional Maori society and make pertinence of writing about kaupapa Maori and tikanga Maori, investigation pertinent philosophical and culture term of customary Maori society and culture. List of sources http://www. history-nz. organization New Zealand in History http://tikanga. maori. organization. nz The internet of Maori Organizations of New Zealand http://tikanga. maori. organization. nz/The primary Maori Site on the Net. Barlow,C(1996)Tikanga Whakaaro: Key ideas in Maori Culture, Oxford University Press, Auckland.
Free Essays on Narrative Essay
As I strolled down the foyer to the back, a solid horrible smell got observable. I strolled further and the odor became more grounded. I nearly couldn’t take it; the smell contorted my stomach nearly making me upchuck, however I battled the desire and forged ahead. As I strolled on that’s when I heard it, at first muted and afterward more clear, it was cries and howls. It seemed like something was being tormented or killed so as to extricate the last piece of agony from its casualty. I proceeded arriving at the finish of the section; that’s when I at that point crossed the limit into the fundamental room just to have my heart torn from my chest and tossed to the floor. Everything I could see was a great many confines of pooches in a portion of the most exceedingly awful conditions I have ever observed. As I wandered into the room the principal thing that leaped out at me were the confines, they were little, and had a few canines in every one. The confines were built of steel fencing on three sides and they were associated with an indistinguishable outside nook by means of a gap in a mutual square divider. I strolled on and saw that I was beginning to perspire. It was outrageously sweltering and awkward in this room; I could just envision how the creatures felt lying on the floor close to the section that was allowing in the blasting inferno of the evening sun. As I forged ahead, I contemplated internally, â€Å"They don’t even treat detainees this badly.†Recoiling as I needed to pass all the enclosures I saw that not exclusively were the confines little, stuffed, and dismal, they were likewise messy. The sickening scent that had grasped my feeling of smell prior was that of canine pee and stool. The bear solid floors of the confines were canvassed in dried canine pee that in the summer’s heat was discharging a not exactly attractive fragrance. As I moved toward an enclosure to see one of the pooches, I saw fecal issue was detected everywhere throughout the floor. In the event that I needed to figure I would state that the confines were never cleaned. Gotten between ailment... Free Essays on Narrative Essay Free Essays on Narrative Essay â€Å"Stop pursuing me!†screamed the young man with spots and fire-red hair. Sheila couldn’t help however gaze as she entered her smooth dark Mercedes with all-wood framing and calfskin inside. She flipped up her mobile phone and quickly dialed the quantity of her office, coming to Suzy, her secretary. Without even a welcome, Sheila started shaking orders away. â€Å"Call Mr. Isham, drop my arrangement at 3:30, have the McLaden, Hyatt, Jacobs, and Smith Warner records around my work area a.s.a.p.†All in one breath. â€Å"Oh, and don’t overlook my twofold coffee with sesame seed bagel. Toasted.†Sheila attempts to overwhelm herself in work at whatever point conceivable, which isn’t too hard considering she’s an extravagant attorney in New York acquiring over $350,000 per year. She settled on certain choices before in her life, which despite everything frequent her and she thinks about day by day whether she settled on the correct decision. Chit jabbering of individual understudies and steady tapping on consoles encompasses the bustling café, joined with the sweet fragrance of coffee mixed with whipped cream. All Sheila could consider was the pink in addition to sign on the pregnancy test. Here she was a lesser at Princeton, probably the best school in the country, and she was confronting the greatest choice she’d ever make. Goodness the embarrassment she would look from her family and the mistake that she would cause them, all the more so to herself. It had been her fantasy since the time she hit middle school to turn into an expensive legal advisor in New York. â€Å"Hey darling. I missed you,†he murmured softy in her ear. â€Å"What’s wrong? Did you get An on an exam,†he prodded. â€Å"I’m pregnant Keon,†she said in one speedy breath. He tenderly took her in his arms and vowed to consistently be there at whatever point she need him. Sheila drove him away and quickly revealed to him her choice without turning upward. â€Å"I’m getting a fetus removal at a neighborhood center tomorrow,†she wheezed. â€Å"Don’t attempt to adjust my perspective. As s... Free Essays on Narrative Essay It’s July 1993. I’m 12 years of age. We are staring at the TV in the lounge room. I hear a flying creature trilling outside the window of the family room. I pull the blind all the way open to see where the twitter was coming from. I saw a child feathered creature limping on the walkway, it more likely than not dropped out of the tree, I contemplated internally. My senses instructed me to head outside and bring the winged animal inside before a feline gets to it and gobbles it up. I go to my sibling, who is simply sitting in the lounge area close to me, and hollered out to him, â€Å"There’s a winged animal outside limping, lets acquire it the house until it shows signs of improvement and afterward we’ll let it go.†My sibling and I run to the entryway to get the flying creature. As we both got to the yard and ran down three painted red advances, the feathered creature started to bounce towards a bramble on the house. Each time we drew nearer to the feathered creature the stronger the winged animal started to peep. As the flying creature arrived at the shrub it was much harder to get it in light of the considerable number of thistles standing out of bramble. At the point when I at long last got hold of the fledgling and started going after it. An uproarious blast sound had gone of inside the area. It sounded a lot of like a firecracker that had gone off. I alarmed from the sound and dropped the winged creature out of my hand. My sibling looked scared, said to me that the sound of that blast, seemed like gunfire. I disclosed to him that it was only some firecracker down the road since it is practically Fourth of July. So we returned to attempting to snatch the feathered creature and barely cared about it. Blast, blast, blast! I alarmed again and this time I admired see what the clamor truly is. It ended up being a sound of a gunfire that was originating from the base of the road from an earthy colored, messy, spray painting loft. I see a man in dark pants and a dim T-shirt running up the slope with a firearm in his grasp. He is pointing the firearm up towards the slope at a lady who is running all through the road shouting for help. I investigated and I see the lady running towards my brothe... Free Essays on Narrative Essay Graduation should be an energizing time in a person’s life. Their loved ones are to accumulate and celebrate in the happy event, particularly a school graduation. Be that as it may, my brother’s graduation was somewhat strange. Picture flawless is the way it was arranged, yet God chose to adjust this perfect end of the week to make it more intriguing. My sibling chose around five years prior to leave our family and move to Sacramento to set off for college. Over two years after the fact it was the ideal opportunity for him to graduate and time for us to fly up to see it. Aircraft tickets were purchased and inn reservations were made, we were all set. The morning of, my mom called the vehicle rental spot to ensure that a vehicle would be there, hanging tight for us. The woman on the telephone told my mother that she had us planned to show up at nine o’clock pm. This represented a colossal issue thinking about that the graduation was a three. After my mother hung up the telephone she called the aircraft to check the flight. She discovered that when she requested an early morning flight the individual who helped us put us on a nine o’clock flight believing that it was toward the beginning of the day, yet he neglected to see the pm connected to the time. So off we went evading the vehicles of the morning heavy traffic to make it to the air terminal on schedule. My other sibling, Rob, was going to meet us there so we could all go together. My mom attempted and attempted to get it together of him, however was fruitless. We showed up just to discover Rob sitting tight there for us all set, it was a colossal help. So we loaded onto the plane envisioning all the unwinding that could be cultivated on the 90 minutes trip to Sacramento. The ride was quieting and serene for about an hour until the chief went ahead the radio and reported substantial haze at the air terminal we were to show up at. After that point we flew around for around 20 to 30 minutes until we were coordinated back ho... Free Essays on Narrative Essay As I strolled down the corridor to the back, a solid appalling scent got observable. I strolled further and the odor became more grounded. I nearly couldn’t take it; the smell curved my stomach nearly making me upchuck, however I battled the desire and progressed forward. As I strolled on that’s when I heard it, at first suppressed and afterward more clear, it was cries and howls. It seemed like something was being tormented or killed so as to extricate the last piece of torment from its casualty. I proceeded arriving at the finish of the entry; that’s when I at that point crossed the limit into the primary room just to have my heart torn from my chest and tossed to the floor. Everything I could see was a great many confines of pooches in a portion of the most noticeably terrible conditions I have ever observed. As I wandered into the room the primary thing that leaped out at me were the enclosures, they were little, and had a few canines in every one. The confines were developed of steel fencing on three sides and they were associated with an indistinguishable outside nook through an opening in a mutual square divider. I strolled on and saw that I was beginning to perspire. It was outrageously blistering and awkward in this room; I could just envision how the creatures felt lying on the floor close to the section that was allowing in the blasting inferno of the evening sun. As I forged ahead, I pondered internally, â€Å"They don’t even treat detainees this badly.†Wincing as I needed to pass all the confines I saw that not exclusively were the pens little, overloaded, and forlorn, they were additionally smudged. The appalling scent that had grasped my feeling of smell prior was that of canine pee and fecal matter. The bear solid floors of the confines were canvassed in dried canine pee that in the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay --
There is no doubt that corpulence is a national plague. Insights from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrate almost 36% of U.S. grown-ups over 20 years old were viewed as large in 2009 through 2010, with 18.4% of teenagers following intently behind (Krieter). Be that as it may, while stoutness is a developing issue, marking it as a malady is an imposing way to deal with what is viewed as a direction for living for some American residents. Researchers have made incredible advances in understanding noteworthy natural reasons for corpulence just as recognizing a few hereditary elements that might be involved. Numerous endeavors are currently coordinated toward assessing the cooperations between these elements and seeing how this relationship interactions into significant jobs of the issue. Corpulence is a final product of human reaction to science and the earth. Ongoing theories made by researchers propose that the ebb and flow weight issue is to a great extent because of natural variables, for example, cheap food utilization, TV viewing, and huge segment sizes (Brantley). Americans live in the period of eating undesirable cheap food, and the famous ‘supersizing.’ Television, radio, and print publicizing barrage the populace with allurements to eat food high in calories and fat (Gunderman). Moreover, the physical and mental requests of today’s social orders are perseveringly changing, bringing about uneven vitality admission and utilization. An investigation, distributed in the diary, Pediatrics, stress on explicit natural perspectives on kids and high schooler lives that add to their unfortunate, fat-filled ways of life (Haelle). Analysts found that the connection between expanded TV time and heftiness rates among young people has become more groun ded in the p... ...rtant supporters of corpulence. Put on in body weight can be accomplished through aggregate positive vitality adjusts; these could frame through modifications in vitality consumption or fuel usage and the sorts of the food that the customer eats. The connection between the two variables prompts a positive vitality balance, in the long run transforming into muscle versus fat and weight gain. Be that as it may, while past examinations have discovered an away from between high fat admission and danger of weight the relationship doesn't set up a natural certitude. Further research must be done to frame an all the more clear and solid clarification for the alliance between the hereditary and natural parts of the scourge. While the natural premise of the communication is questionable, social changes in the public eye and the hereditary cosmetics of the human body are plainly huge reasons for stoutness.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Advanced Standing Exams know your stuff, get out of a semester-long class!
Advanced Standing Exams know your stuff, get out of a semester-long class! MIT has A LOT of graduation requirements. Most colleges have some sort of breadth requirement. MIT, being a technical school, has a weighty 8-class humanities minimum (the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciencesâ€"HASSâ€"requirement), PLUS a technical core encompassing introductory biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus (these classes are known as the General Institute Requirementsâ€"GIRs). When looking at MIT, my first thought after learning about these graduation requirements was “But I’ve got a ton of AP credit…won’t I get out of a lot of these these extra intro subjects?†Unfortunately, the answer is no. MIT gives really remarkably, disappointingly horrible AP creditâ€"the worst out of any school I researched when applying. If you score a 5 on Calculus BC, you can get out of 18.01, Single-Variable Calculus. If you score a 5 on both Physics C tests, you can get out of 8.01, Physics Mechanics (you’re still on the hook for Electricity and Magnetism). That’s about it. (Ok, I’m exaggerating a little bit. You can get general unit credit for a lot of other AP tests, and if you score a 5 on English Language or Literature, you don’t have to take an essay evaluation over the summer and you have more choices for introductory humanities classes. But the APs mentioned above are the only ones that let you out of GIRs, and there’s no way to wiggle out of your eight HASS subjects.) This is all really sad, because a lot of high school students work really hard racking up AP credit hoping to pass into more interesting or pertinent courses. Now for the good news: MIT has in place its own, pretty generous system of exams to help you pass out of GIRs whose material you are already comfortable with. These tests are called Advanced Standing Exams (ASEs). An ASE is not quite like a placement test because it doesn’t let you skip lower-level classes, but it instead serves as a quick way of fulfilling the credit for those classes. ASEs are created by the department that runs the course and for the most part approximate a final exam in that class. If you take the ASE, the grade you get on the test stands in for a grade in the corresponding class. On your transcript, it’s as if you took the class and got the grade you scored on the ASE. (However, ASE grades don’t factor into your GPA. For more details, see this page on Grading Policies for ASEs.) Now here’s the really awesome part: because ASEs are treated essentially like normal classes on your transcript, that means that if you’re a freshman on Pass/No Record, ASEs taken during orientation or fall-semester finals are also graded P/NR. This means that as long as you pass the test, you get full credit for having taken the GIR, and it makes absolutely no difference whether you scored a 99% or a 50%. If you fail, no harm done. In fact, if you fail an ASE during orientation, it doesn’t even appear on your internal record. So you have a shot at earning class credit, with very little downside. What I’m saying is that if you’re an incoming freshman to MIT, you should really consider sitting for some ASEs. Coming into MIT, I heard some strong words of caution against ASEs. A lot of people warn against trying to pass out of subjects willy-nilly, because it is important to have a firm background in the core subjects to succeed in later classes. That’s true, but I wanted to give the other side of the argument. If there is a subject you are really comfortable with, or one that you doubt will be of much relevance to you in your major, I think it makes sense to try and skip out of it, for these reasons: 1. It’s efficient (and effective). You can brush up or study for a class over the summer and get out of a whole semester of work (including problem sets!). Take it from someone who at this point has done her fair share of problem sets: that’s a good deal. Also, I think it’s important to mention that the ASEs are not easy. They are challenging and in-depthâ€"some of them can be harder than the final for the corresponding class. You’ll be seeing things like metallic molecular orbital diagrams in Chemistry and rocket problems involving differential analysis in Physics. If you can pass the ASE, you actually do have a pretty good grasp of the material. 2. It saves you money. MIT is expensive. You should use your tuition dollars on classes that are important and interesting to you. Especially considering that for a lot of the GIR classes, the material is available online in full, for free (keep reading for more info). 3. You get more flexibility in your schedule. Having a couple extra free units in your schedule can be a real relief. It can let you explore some different subjects if you’re trying to figure out what to major in. It can give you more room to minor or double-major or graduate early. 4. You can take cooler or more relevant classes If you don’t have to take intro chemistry, you can take something cool instead! If you know that you’re going to be a mechanical engineer, and you never want to see biology again, it makes much more sense to pass out of bio and get a head start on differential equations, or have room for an advanced Mech-E class later on. Plus, if you’re a freshman and you don’t have to take GIRs first semester, that means you can take harder or unfamiliar classes on Pass/No Record. 5. They feed you breakfast. On the day of the test. Just thought I would mention it ? 6. You have nothing to lose. Except for the three hours spent actually taking the testwhich is really small change considering the benefits. Coming into MIT, I knew that I wanted to ASE out of as many classes as I could. The opportunity to get out of a semester-long class by taking a test was too much of a gift to pass up. After studying over the summer, I sat for Biology, Physics (Mechanics), and Chemistry. I passed Bio and Chem but failed Physics :( I knew/remembered very little from high school about the three exams, so I taught myself most of the material over the summer. Thankfully, MIT has posted almost all the materials (lecture videos, homework, past exams, worksheets, etc.) from its courses, especially Bio and Chem, online at MIT Open Course Ware. While studying for the tests, I basically took the corresponding MIT course online. (In fact, sometimes I catch myself saying I took MIT bio, even though I studied for the class completley virtually.) I took studying seriously, scheduling myself carefully and committing two/three days per week to it over the summer. For your reference, here’s a breakdown of the classes I studied for. As of 2014, pass rates for the various ASEs. Credit to The Tech for the diagram. It should be noted that this year (2015), pass rates for the ASEsespecially Biology and Chemistrywent up significantly. Biology (7.012) I decided to study for bio because it had a pretty high pass rate out of the tests I was considering and it is more conceptual than quantitative, and I have an easier time self-studying conceptual subjects. I didn’t take AP Bio in high school but was able to review the remarkably thorough MIT OCW class online in three weeks. I watched all the lectures, did all the homework, and took the practice final at the end to see if I would pass. I also bought the (old) textbook associated with the OCW version of the course on ebay for $5, but I only used it a little bit. In fact, studying for biology was often a pleasure, largely owing to the delightful lectures of Professor Eric Lander, who through his enthusiasm made me excited about everything from primers to dead mice. *Side note: MIT biology is really different from high school biology, and even though I reviewed materials online, it made me a lot more interested in a subject I thought I had no interest inâ€"might be worth checking it o ut even if you already dominated bio in high school. Physics (8.01) Physics was less of a pleasure because it came less naturally to me and the materials on OCW are less complete and cohesive. For instance, no lectures are available through OCW (though if you look hard enough you can find some elsewhere on the Internet wink wink). Even though I took Physics B in high school, I spent 4-5 irritating weeks working problems over the summer in a frequent state of confusion and dismay, which culminated in me not passing the test. However, the test is definitely doable. I took 8.01, Classical Mechanics, first semester, and even though I didn’t pass the ASE, having studied for it made the class much easier. My lecturer (Professor Dourmashkin) was an amazing teacher and did a wonderful job making problem-solving organized and methodological, which helped me a lot, so I was able to put physics on the back burner and focus on other classes and extracurriculars. Chemistry (5.111) In the last two weeks of summer break, I decided last-minute to see if I could cram Chemistry. Chem is a notoriously hard ASE, largely I think because it covers concepts that are not touched on in AP Chemistry and has intense time pressure. However, the materials online are complete and include fill-in-the-blank style notes, which made note-taking for the course very fast. I spent two weeks spending almost every day in Starbucks watching Chem lectures and doing problems…during which time I enjoyed splendid people-watching, got asked out by a complete stranger, and irritated countless patrons by hogging the corner table. (I think I could write a blog post just on a “Portrait of a West Hills Starbucksâ€). If you’re thinking of studying for ASEs, I suggest you choose your tests carefully based on your previous exposure, what kind of knowledge you are best at learning/retaining, and how hard the tests are. I’m really glad I passed out of Chem and Bio. Because my schedule is more open, I was able to take 18.03 (Differential Equationsâ€"a requirement for Computer Science and a lot of other majors) on Pass/No Record, which is great because otherwise I probably would have had a nervous breakdown at some point during the course. This semester, I was able to take 6.s04 (now 6.009), a beginning software engineering class, in addition to 6.01, the introductory EECS class. Being able to take that extra computer science class second semester was invaluable. I got a lot more comfortable with coding a lot quicker and was able to get a software internship over the summer, which will give me even more experience. On top of that, I’m now done with all my GIRs, whereas some other freshmen had to make a choice between not taking any classes in their prospective major or deferring an introductory bio or chem class (probably until senior year). In summary: ASEing out of subjects was a really good decision for me, and its a really good option for incoming students. I know a lot of people who wished they had taken more ASEs; I dont know anyone who regrets sitting for one. That’s pretty much all I have to say about ASEs! You can find more information about specific tests on the department websites below: Biology Physics Chemistry Math Computer Science And feel free to comment with questions or shoot me an email if you have questions about specific tests!
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