Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Night At The Perk - 1684 Words
â€Å"A night at The Perk†â€Å"Ethnography or field research is a sociological method that explores how people live and make sense of their lives with one another in particular places. The focus might be on understanding the human race and the meaning they produce through everyday interactions, or places, and the organizational logics that guide our activities†(, 2017). A discourse community comprises of a group of people, especially within a sphere of intellectual or social activity, who share common goals, who support and understand each other using their own specific language or manner of interaction whether verbal or non-verbal (, 2017). The discourse community I researched on is The Pace Perk Cafà ©. The Pace†¦show more content†¦These businesses that are run by students are very vital to the student body that is interested in business and entrepreneurship. They should be introduced in every campus that hosts business studies. Business students read ab out ventures, organizations and management in textbooks, but it’s a completely different experience while making decisions about an actual business. The thrill of making decisions, feeling the consequences of every decision made is something that cannot be taught. It must be experienced. This method of learning would revolutionize how business and management is taught in universities, creating social change and bettering society (Mars, Matthew M. and Gary Rhoades, 435-459). The members of my field research discourse community- â€Å"The Perk†would be any student that works for this business or any person who visits and purchases food from this cafà ©. Although â€Å"The Perk†is open to everybody, the late-night hours and the location allow only students who dorm on campus to be able to visit the cafà ©. Circumstances have made this cafà © exclusively for resident students. The main goals of this community include providing a safe place for students to eat and hang out with friends in a late-night cafà ©. â€Å"The Perk†community believes in the policy of â€Å"customers always come first and customers are always right.†This community also provides a safeShow MoreRelatedEssay about Organisational Behaviour Assignment1123 Words  | 5 PagesHow does this company manage to provide events and perks that employees value? Answer- Conestoga-rovers has a great reputation for its expertise in the fields of engineering, the environment, construction, and information technology. It has been identified as the best place to work in the waterloo region. The employees are provided with unique employee perks. The company believes in work hard-play hard mantra. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Questions On World War I And The Peace Conference
Jaia Gillette Mr. Pozniak Hn. Global Studies 27 October 2016 Unit 2 Assignment Introduction Questions (Part I-III) Part I: 1. World War I and the peace conference that followed after â€Å"shaped the outlines of today’s Middle East†, because the significant events involved in both led to the creation of new borders that would determine how the Middle East is configured in the present. One of the results of the war was the fall of the Ottoman Empire, which at the time had ruled over a vast majority of the Middle East. The Paris Peace conference proposed a plan to allow European countries to expand into the Middle East after the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. However, this plan was not supported by the U.S. Senate because of the conferences rejection of President Wilson’s Fourteen Point Plan and was ultimately rejected. Instead, Britain and France carried out the Sykes-Picot agreement that they had initially created in secret before the end of the war, which would divide up the Ottoman Empire between the two. 2. World War II prompted U.S. leaders to pay greater attention to the oil resources of the Persian Gulf region, because in order to maintain its status as one of the global elites in oil in the case of a domestic shortage, the United States needed to secure an available foreign oil source during the war. 3. The 1948 War set the stage for long-term conflict in the Middle East, because even after Israel defeated Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, the surrounding ArabShow MoreRelatedEssay on European Economic and Social Outcomes of World War I1107 Words  | 5 Pagesidea to construct peaceful global order at the Paris Peace Conference, resulting in the creation of six main treaties: Saint-Germain, Neuilly, Trianon, Sevres and the most controversial, the Treaty of Versailles. However, the creation of these treaties sparked criticism and resentment, due to the brevity of the consequences. There were few positive aspects of the Paris Peace Conference, while the negative opinions based on the Paris Peace Conference continued to fester for years to come. This is similarRead MoreThe Treaty of Versailles1684 Words  | 7 PagesA. Plan of Investigation The Treaty of Versailles was created to bring peace between nations after WWI. This investigation will answer the following question: To what extent did the Treaty of Versailles bring peace? In this investigation, the extent of the Versailles Treaty’s success will be evaluated by examining the period of its development, 1918, to the rise of Hitler, 1933. Several sources were used in this investigation including a number of books that look at the terms of the Treaty ofRead MoreThe Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles1587 Words  | 7 Pagesinflicted on Europe during World War I was dire and left Europe in a state of chaos. Consequently, post-war peace settlements were complicated, but were necessary in order to end the period of disorder. World War I concluded on November 1918, when Germany agreed to an armistice. At the end of the war, European leaders realized that their reasons for initially engaging in the war had not been worth it. Countries were torn ap art, as established dynasties had fallen during the war and new states were attemptingRead MoreEssay The Legacy of the Great War by William R. Keylor944 Words  | 4 PagesLegacy of the Great War by William R. Keylor After reading William R. Keylors The Legacy of the Great War, I realized the important events that pertain to the international relations. Until our present day there has not been so many great leaders come together to address issues such as: politics, economics, and social settings in Europe. This is the beginning of the problems in European civilization. The Paris Peace conference had a total of twenty-sevenRead MoreEssay Woodrow Wilsons Peace Agreement from WWI976 Words  | 4 Pages In 1917, the United States entered World War I on the side of the Allies. Previously angered by such events as the sinking of â€Å"Lusitania†, American President Woodrow Wilson led the nation to war after learning of the Zimmermann Telegram and Germanys resumption of UNRESTRICTED SUBMARINE WARFARE! As the war came to a close with an Allies victory, President Woodrow Wilson devised a core list of points which stressed self-determination of people, free trade, and open diplomacy. 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It was fought on a scale, and at a cost in human suffering, unparalleled in the history of man kind. Countries from every continent, including most of those in Europe, had taken part. Whole populations had been marshalled to serve their countries war efforts1. All these came to an end when on 11 November 1918, Germany finally agreedRead MoreNegotiating Without A Peaceful Solution919 Words  | 4 PagesGeneva Conference Geneva Conference, which was in 16 of June 2015 to negotiate the Yemeni conflict and the parties are the Yemeni government and the Houthis under the supervision of the UN, and it intended to resolve the dispute. These negotiations failed to reach a solution but this failure due to many reasons but the most prominent are: First, the main cause of the Geneva Conference failure is the parties had not been preparing for it very well. 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Eisenhower and Civil Rights Act Essay995 Words  | 4 PagesCold War United Nations Chiang Kai-Shek Mao Zedong â€Å"China Lobby†Containment Doctrine George Kennan Marshall Plan National Security Act of 1947 Central Intelligence Agency NATO Berlin Airlift Warsaw Pact NSC-68 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act – 1944 GI Bill Coal Strike – 1946 Fair Deal Labor Management Relations Act – 1947 Progressive Party Thomas Dewey Korean War Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur HUAC The Hollywood 10 Alger Hiss Whittaker Chambers Richard Nixon J. Edgar Hoover
Monday, December 9, 2019
Managing Global Trade free essay sample
1. Comment on the statement that â€Å"exporting maximizes the benefits of selling from countries with weak currencies†. As our book states most middle/low income countries are benefiting most from exporting their goods to higher income countries. This maximizes their profits as it opens up their goods to countries that in the past they were unable to reach. Additionally by exporting to higher income countries, the country with the weaker economy is able to benefit from the media (advertising) of the country it is exporting to. What I mean by this is that in most cases the exporting country is introducing a â€Å"unique†item that is not found in the market they are exporting to. This now makes that product the â€Å"it†product of the moment which in turn creates a sensationalized buzz for that product normally through media exposure. With regards to the case study during the worst financial crisis in Argentina three young entrepreneurs founded a luxury tea business. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Global Trade or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They were able to sell this unique product to up-market outlets and trendy stores with over 75 percent of the output sold in overseas markets such as the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia. This is a fine example â€Å"exporting maximizing the benefits of selling from countries with weak currencies†. 2. Based on the information provided, what is your advice to the government of Rwanda to increase exports? I would advise them to first of all re-invest in their countries infrastructure, and I say this for two reasons by shoring up their infrastructure they can prevent things like â€Å"blackouts†from happening, and not rely so heavily on other countries to get their goods out to their foreign vendors. It’s a two-fold approach by building up their infrastructure creating and possibly maintaining a strong airport to get their goods out via air instead of by sea, and shoring up their electrical issues they would not only save money in the long run put open themselves up to other possibilities to further stimulate their economy. Things such as tourism come to mind when I say this. Doing these few things alone would go along way in bringing Rwanda out of shadows and into greatness.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Obesity Essays (202 words) - Obesity, Bariatrics, Body Shape
Obesity Excess weight is major medical problem for more than one third of Americans and after cigarette smoking, is the second largest cause of death. However, obesity treatments remain controversial, and only surgical therapies have patient volume and appropriate follow-up adequate to prove effectiveness. Todays challenge in health care is to prevent or diagnose, treat, and manage acute or chronic diseases that affect many people while controlling cost, maintaining standards of care, and improving quality of life. Obesity is one such treatable disease because of its association with physical, psychosocial, and disability costs that affect quality of life. For the severely obese, it is a chronic, heterogeneous, multisystemic disese that has many equivocal causes and consequences. Recent findings show the importance of genetic factors as a major influence in the etiology and refractory nature of obesity. Aggressive, medically supervised interventions, such as very-low-calorie diets (VLCDs) and pharmacologic and surgical treatments, are especially needed for genetically susceptible individuals who do not respond to low-risk dieting and behavioral modification treatments or cannot maintain a healthy body weight despite multiple attempts to lose weight. A model is neede to incorporate these obesity treatment guidelines into an everyday clinical physician practice. Medicine
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