Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Questions On World War I And The Peace Conference
Jaia Gillette Mr. Pozniak Hn. Global Studies 27 October 2016 Unit 2 Assignment Introduction Questions (Part I-III) Part I: 1. World War I and the peace conference that followed after â€Å"shaped the outlines of today’s Middle East†, because the significant events involved in both led to the creation of new borders that would determine how the Middle East is configured in the present. One of the results of the war was the fall of the Ottoman Empire, which at the time had ruled over a vast majority of the Middle East. The Paris Peace conference proposed a plan to allow European countries to expand into the Middle East after the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. However, this plan was not supported by the U.S. Senate because of the conferences rejection of President Wilson’s Fourteen Point Plan and was ultimately rejected. Instead, Britain and France carried out the Sykes-Picot agreement that they had initially created in secret before the end of the war, which would divide up the Ottoman Empire between the two. 2. World War II prompted U.S. leaders to pay greater attention to the oil resources of the Persian Gulf region, because in order to maintain its status as one of the global elites in oil in the case of a domestic shortage, the United States needed to secure an available foreign oil source during the war. 3. The 1948 War set the stage for long-term conflict in the Middle East, because even after Israel defeated Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, the surrounding ArabShow MoreRelatedEssay on European Economic and Social Outcomes of World War I1107 Words  | 5 Pagesidea to construct peaceful global order at the Paris Peace Conference, resulting in the creation of six main treaties: Saint-Germain, Neuilly, Trianon, Sevres and the most controversial, the Treaty of Versailles. 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